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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:19 PM


First Published in 1994


Iran has stated from the beginning that its nuclear exploration was for the development of energy, and not for the development of its war machine. Israel already has nuclear weapons gained through the United States Government, its ally. If Iran sought to have nuclear weapons could it not have approached its Big Boy ally Russia, being a simple case of, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”?

If Iran seeks only development of nuclear energy, as she has stated, and Israel and the United STaes see only nuclear weapons, why not strike a deal with Iran? Have Iran place a halt to such exploration of nuclear development, and allow Iran’s allies of Russia and China, and the United States, as a gesture of peace, to build for Iran, nuclear power plants to meet her needs? Would such an arrangement be agreeable with Israel? Doubtful. If Iran was to stop “Cold Turkey,” and accepted such an agreement, Israel would still disagree.

I write only in opinion upon this issue, but as I see things, Israel desires only to see the power structure of Iran destroyed, as was that of her enemy Iraq, an opinion that’s held by many Americans. Should Israel make a “first strike” against Iran, as Israel’s ally, the United States will become involved to finish off the fight “picked by Israel.” As allies with Iran would Russia and China merely sit back, with the United States’ involvement? Would this lead to “World War?” As a Christian, and an American, I believe should Israel make a first strike against Iran, she would have made her own bed, and that she should lie in it, and the United States not become involved, unless Iran’s allies do so. Allow Israel to then “reap as she has sown,” this being a Biblical teaching of “We reap as we sow.” Keep our sons and daughters “OUT of Harms Way,” from a war “begun by Israel.”