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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:21 PM


First Published in 1994


The main topic of the day seems to be the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on Dec 14th• Can you believe that one lone 24-year-old “man” violated the rights of 26 people, 20 children and 6 adults, disrespecting their status as human beings, and treating them like “stuff,’ trash, to be abused and discarded as of no value? The police say he shot each victim from three to eleven times. Why did he shoot them so many times? Was it some macabre sense of compassion? Did he see them wallowing in their blood, screaming in pain, begging someone to rescue them? Did he shoot them again and again until they remained quiet, to put them out of their misery, like we would an injured wild animal? Or did he stand belligerently over them and mutter through clenched teeth, “Shut up. Kid. When I shoot someone they are supposed to roll over quietly and die. How dare you intrude upon my auditory space with your pitiful begging for mercy!”

However it happened, I fmd that I do not have words in my vocabulary that are sufficiently insulting for such a creep. He is despicable beyond my ability to describe it.

The President, and several others, have said that we have not done enough to protect our school children. We must do more. They propose that we limit the size of magazines for guns to not more than eight cartridges. This will make our children much safer, I guess. They will only get one or two bullet holes per victim, not three to eleven.

They also claim that ordinary citizens have no need for assault rifles. Only government employees and police officers should be allowed to have them.

Did anybody notice that Adam Lonza also used his mother’s car to commit his crime? You are aware that motor vehicles kill many times as many children every year as guns. So, let us restrict the size of motor vehicle gas tanks to no more than eight gallons. That will make our children much safer.

And of course, no ordinary citizen needs a car with a big 200 horsepower engine. Let’s not let them have motor vehicles with more than 100 horsepower. Vehicles with more than that should be restricted to government employees and police officers. That will make our children much safer. Right?

While I find the Sandy Hook Massacre despicable, I find something else many, many times more despicable: 52 million brothers and sisters of the Sandy Hook Twenty have been murdered over the past 50 years. One man approved of the Sandy Hook killings; more than 300 million American citizens have given at least passive approval of the killing of the 52 million.. The Sandy Hook Twenty at least received enough respect that they had names, memorial services, funerals, caskets, and respectful burials. The 52 million had no names, no memorial services, no funerals. Their arms and legs were ripped from their bodies, their tiny skulls crushed. They died alone on the abortion clinic table, writhing in pain and screaming for help. Their tiny bodies went down the garbage disposal, into dumpsters, or into land fills with the other trash. I do not have words in my vocabulary sufficiently insulting for the five United States Supreme Court Justices who gave us Roe v. Wade and the massacre that resulted from it. Nor do I have words sufficiently insulting for the hundreds of Representatives and Senators who have had the opportunity to reverse Roe v. Wade but were too cowardly to do it. Add to that the thousands of pastors, priests, and rabbis who have never preached against this slaughter of innocents.

If we truly want to make our school children safer, let us begin with rescinding Roe v. Wade. Next, let us eliminate electronic games that desensitize people to human suffering, injury, and death. Next, let us return Bible reading and prayer to our schools. Simultaneously with that we must include teachers and professors who are spiritually qualified to lead in Bible reading and prayer. And, finally, let us get our country off the well-beaten path to Sodom and Gomorrah. There is no more hazardous path than that. But that is another subject for another day.