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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:23 AM


First Published in 1994


Eighty years ago I was a seven-year-old boy with a twelve-year-old brother. We had chores to do, so we didn’t get a lot of playing time, but when we did have time to play we did what Charlie wanted to do because he was bigger, stronger, and tougher. He practiced the Doctrine of Tyranny, not the Doctrine of Shared Power. I didn’t like this arrangement, and several times it erupted in fist fights. I knew Charlie would mop the floor with me but I didn’t care. I wanted, even demanded, a more equal say-so in our activities.

Our country went through a similar crisis in the mid 1700s with King George III. South Carolina went through a similar testing of character in the mid 1800s. Practicing the Doctrine of Tyranny of the Majority, the U. S. Congress enacted the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832, which the northern industrial states loved, but which devastated agricultural South Carolina. Carolinians fought back with a Nullification Convention, which was partially successful in that it won a gradual withdrawal of the most objectionable parts of the tariff acts. But in 1859 Congress tried again to ram devastating tariffs down the throats of southern farmers. You know the outcome of that: secession and the War of the Northern Invasion, also sometimes called the Uncivil War.

Today, conservative Christians are being tested. The Democratic Party, through deceit and fraud, has managed to gain the majority in Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court, and is practicing the Doctrine of Tyranny of the Majority. They have rammed Obamacare down our throats. They are trying to ram unconstitutional gun controls, same-sex marriages, and insane indebtedness. Looking at history it is clear that conflict will soon happen. Our Muslim President is getting ready to mop the floor with us. He is arming his private army with guns and ammunition in astronomical quantities at our expense. And he is trying to take our guns away from us. What are we going to do about it? Nothing? Just let him walk all over us? Would another Nullification Convention do any good? Doesn’t anybody have any ideas how to stop this traitor? Do we really want to wait and see what this 21st century holocaust will be like?