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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:20 AM


First Published in 1994


What qualities are needed to be an effective SC State Superintendent of Education?  What makes for an ineffective one?  Anyone who truly wants what is best for SC children needs to be answering those questions before voting for a candidate vying for the position of SC Superintendent.

I have, and would like to share my thoughts.

An effective Superintendent should be able to motivate and lead people, be trustworthy, be a good listener, communicate and work well with others, be flexible, have a sense of humor, be a continual learner, know how to set goals and accomplish them, have good morals, be a problem solver, a critical thinker and most importantly be asking the question, “What is best for SC children?” After working with Sheri Few for well over a year in our grassroots efforts to stop the implementation of Common Core Standards in SC, she has proven she possesses all of the above qualities needed.

An ineffective Superintendent doesn’t seem to have a clear agenda or direction, doesn’t respond to phone calls or emails from their constituents, and always makes excuses. They typically begin most sentences with, “That is not something we have control of.” They are not solution finders but are excuse makers. You can’t really trust them and they always seem busy but never accomplish anything worthwhile. Sheri Few has NEVER exhibited any of those negative attributes.

An effective Superintendent doesn’t have to be an expert in how to teach all children, but rather must have the ability to find out who are the experts and put them to work.   An effective Superintendent will add fresh ideas with a new perspective and energize the education system.  Sheri has the ability to recognize leadership skills in people and can motivate them to strive for excellence in their duties. I have witnessed this with our grassroots efforts in SC Parents Involved in Education.

Sheri Few has proven to me that she will be an effective SC Superintendent. She has a clear vision, she has a strategic plan to improve education in SC. She recognizes the first goal must be to have South Carolina quality standards developed by South Carolinians not Common Core Standards developed by out-of-state bureaucrats. She recognizes the need for parents to be in control of the direction of their child’s education through school choice, tax credits and vouchers. She recognizes we must have a committee of experts to review all the textbooks presently in use for evidence of bias and indoctrination.  I know Sheri has the tenacity to accomplish all of the above visions.

The other candidates in this race who want to be in control of the future of SC education have not proven to me they possess all the qualities needed to be effective. Sheri Few has proven to me countless times that she has all the qualities necessary.

Vote Sheri Few for SC Superintendent June 10, 2014!  To learn more about Sheri and her vision for SC Education go to www.sherifew.com and donate to her campaign!