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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 04:22 AM


First Published in 1994


The Cloward-Piven Strategy of over-loading the many stages of the welfare system is happening right before our eyes. The Strategy is readily apparent in the flooding of our southem borders with the illegal immigration, and acceptance, of kids (of all ages (!), considered, ‘refugees’) from Central America. Apparently, President Obama’s Administration has riot police that can be sent to Bundy Ranch, Nevada,.and Murrieta, California, but not additional forces to send to protect and secure the border.

Let’s review how President Obama has bastardized the existing law (a consistent tactic employed by Obama: enforce those laws you want, ignore others, make up your own, etc.). Brit Hume of FoxNews pontificated that President Obama has existing law to support his actions: William Wilberforce Trafficking Victim Protection Act of 2008, which, it appears, was designed to protect against child labor and sex trafficking (!); plus, there is an Office of Refuge and Resettlement creation, apparently in earlier DHS legislation. Conclusion: wiggle room for our Professor of Constitutional Law (I), currently posing as President, to lie and distort existing law as he chooses , and implement the aforementioned Cloward-Piven Strategy.

Let us review some of the known characteristics of the invasion. First, our federal govemment as far back as January of this year was soliciting bids for transportation of the illegals (it should be noted that this ‘invasion’ has been building the last 3 years). Secondly, President Obama had broadcast his policy of compassion toward those less fortunate in the hemisphere, said invitation being overwhelming accepted. Third, his announcement that there would be major deportations, ultimately, nobody believes, and a position not born out by the facts in the last few years regarding these illegals.

Finally, I would remind all those compassionate parties, contending this is a ‘humanitarian issue, that, first, the federal law since at least 1986 has been to ‘secure the border,’ which never has been enforced; and secondly, you can fulfill your compassionate and humanitarian desires by adopting one of the kids YOURSELF! Compassion is an individual responsibility, not a responsibility of government, federal, state or whatever.

There is a supposed ‘War on Terror,’ but wide open borders; and, apparently, there is no end to the United States feeding, housing, educating, and providing medical care for all the indigents in the American Hemisphere (not to mention depressed wages and job competition for Amelica’s long-time citizens).