War is hell! South Carolina summers are hot! These two statements are related only because they are both facts, unless reported on by the Associated Press, when they might well become fiction.
AP reporters are well versed in the liberal art of innuendo, as demonstrated by their sugar coating of the IRS boondoggle, and the blind eye they gave to the confusion of the Obamacare take-off. Their reporting on the economic recovery is as murky as their news about how many billions of dollars we are in debt. It's like reading comedy as they try to separate a little grain from the hulls of the Obama presidency, boosting his minor accomplishments, while fast-forwarding his failures.
Associated Press gets way out ahead of facts to sow the subtle seeds of doubt and fear about anything conservative, while on the flip side, to polish and shine all the rusty old attributes of the Obama schemes that cost taxpayers millions, but didn't work The House of Representatives, being the only conservative stronghold in Washington, has to be constantly on the defensive. According to the press, if they weren't so stubborn, taxes would be raised, and money available for the senate and president to buy off more voters.
Take a Republican candidate for high government office, and see how the media handles him. He may be as clean as a mountain stream. No dirt in his background, but rest assured, dirt will be provided, no matter how long ago and far away. If he once shot a bird out of a tree with his little slingshot, he will be forever in the eyes of the media, an abuser of helpless animals.
More recent, and closer to home, was the media coverage of the events in Ferguson, Missouri. Readers were reminded over and over that a white officer had shot and killed a black, unarmed teen, therefore committing an act of deliberate murder. Racial murder. Until you saw his photo, you believed the young man was a helpless child who was shot while holding up his hands, pleading, "Don't shoot!"
So thanks to media, the officer was immediately tried and convicted by the public, and the black community riled into marching, rioting and looting. Media interference like we witnessed in Ferguson can whip a crowd into a frenzy, and in this case widened the gap between the races. This will continue until the public recognizes their intent, and stands up and shouts against this propaganda masquerading as news.
Remember the old TV show, "Dragnet," where the detective wanted, "Just the facts, Ma’am?" That is still all we want from the press—just the facts!