The black community in East Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is presently in the throes of shared community anguish as they mourn the loss of, what initial evidence seems to indicate, a rising young black mobster, Antwon Rose. As is typical in lawless big cities some anarchist blacks are “in the streets” intentionally destroying all they can and blocking all traffic on busy Interstate 376 for about five (5) hours. Traffic has also been snarled, on and off, in the city on various other streets for three (3) days including professional athletic events. They spare no effort to honor their finest. They promote big city violence and a criminal culture atmosphere! They have no patience to determine the facts in any case; any case is just an excuse to unleash hate! Their values are not American values! We hope they are always contained to big Democrat controlled cities.
According to evidence thus far presented, Antwon was apparently leading a double life. He is initially presented by the Democratic Liberal News Media (primarily the Washington Post) and some of the black community as an innocent, bright eyed honor student. He must have been a quick learner at seventeen (17) years of age. He met with some school chums-the liberal news is frantically trying to establish how many were also honor students-at some point earlier in the evening of his death in a car apparently well stocked with guns; and, apparently participated in a drive by shooting in which a man was wounded-but fired back at the fleeing vehicle. The initial evidence is they were fleeing from the scene of a crime. Honor student by day and apprentice drive by gang shooter by night! Antwon apparently ditched his pistol in the car as he exited as he only had a single empty pistol clip left in his pocket. There is no black public interest about his “possible” participation in a shooting crime, just boiling hatred of the police doing their job to protect the public.
There were at least two others in the car. We do not yet know if they are all also “honor students”; or, if good printable photographs of their youth are available. The liberal press originally reported the sad incident as the horrible result of a simple “traffic stop” complete with a youthful photograph of smiling Antwon. The Democratic News Media were early setting up the police officer for vilification as best they could. They, as usual, are being deceitful in their presentation trying initially to frame the case as an unjustified simple traffic stop of honor student, innocent blacks by the demon police.
By the way, it is reported to be a felony in Pennsylvania to simply carry a handgun in a vehicle without a valid carry permit. We may not have a full count of all the guns! No one under 21 is allowed a weapons permit.
The present evidence is that the vehicle Antwon was in was identified as being involved in a ride by shooting just thirteen (13) minutes before it was stopped by a new on the job police officer. The automobile had bullet holes in the rear window and trunk according to reports and marched the description given by witnesses. Strangely, the liberal press has not provided any photos of the car but they did quickly run down some old photos of youthful Antwon and are probably seeking photos of the others in their youth. As the police officer was determining the situation and was arresting one person our budding mobster, with another budding mobster, hit the streets running. After all there were at least two pistols still in the vehicle! Those pistols were, I guess, learning tools for the young mobster and friends. Perhaps, a show and tell project at school! In that situation the police officer, thankfully, shot him. The police officer is due a medal! He put an end to one rising criminal’s life.
Some Blacks are still in the streets, days later despite the evidence, enraged and presenting Antwon as a smiling black honor student victimized by police! To those anarchist blacks’ possible participation in the “ride by” shooting by Antwon was irrelevant because even despicable criminals in Pittsburgh caught red handed have their “rights” in trying to make an escape-especially promising young ones. The Democratic liberal media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC-fake news) is a big problem! Alex Horton of the fake news tabloid newspaper The Washington Post is a main story teller following this incident. He is well known for his slanted police articles. Most all articles start with the supposition of a smiling youthful black honor student fleeing a simple traffic stop, unarmed, and viciously shot by police. They do not tell you initially the vehicle was identified in a ride by shooting just minutes before the stop, had two guns in the car, had bullet damage to the rear and glass and smiling Antwon had an empty pistol clip.. While they show you a picture of Antwon they do not have a picture of the car. In a lead you are supposed to identify as many known facts as possible: “Antwon Rose, an unarmed black male was shot and killed about 8:30 PM last night by an East Pittsburgh policeman (name if you know it) as Antwon exited and ran from a car identified as being in a ride by shooting minutes before. The vehicle had gun shot damage to the rear and contained two (2) hand guns. Another suspect also ran. The driver was detained but ultimately released for unknown reasons. Then elaborate all you want. The Liberal “fake news” press intentionally turns news items into liberal propaganda-not news! All these leads by “fake news” present the image of an assassination of a fleeing innocent black youth from a simple traffic stop. Such leads by “fake news” are intended to incite blacks and liberals to violence. Many blacks and liberals don’t read and don’t want to read beyond the lead.
The vast majority of blacks are fine people, but there is enough anarchy, lawlessness and irresponsible eulogizing of apparent ride by street shooters here to give the whole race bad optics. There are also many bad police officers to weed out but this police officer, Michael Rosfeld, is not one of them! Antwon may be as pure as driven snow, but confronted with this evidence the officer was justified in shooting; and, not to shoot a fleeing felon fresh from a scene of a crime would have been a dereliction of duty!
Jim S. Brooks, retired inactive attorney, SC Bar # 911, 2400 East Blackstock Road, Roebuck, S.C., 29376-3205, 864-909-3695,