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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 04:17 AM


First Published in 1994


FoxNews is the home of barbie-doll feminists masquerading as conservative, Christian women.  The pretty faces and figures of female hosts and commentators are a major reason for the network’s top ratings, and for its history of sexual misconduct scandals.  In fairness, Fox is a mix of conservatism and libertarianism, which is socially liberal.  But therein lies the problem, since outspoken and immodest women in the workplace is anarchic and libertine liberalism, not orderly and virtuous conservatism.

Liberal women in sluttish attire are being more honest and self-consistent than Fox’s leg-flashing, crosses-on-cleavage, barbie-doll hypocrites.  The oxymoronic 24/7 spectacle of Fox’s “feminist” conservatism stems –- as does all sin and error--- from the rebellion and Fall in Eden.


A master strategist, Satan attacked mankind through woman, the weaker vessel.  His followers have concocted that most dangerous form of egalitarianism:  the toxic feminist notion that men and women are essentially identical and interchangeable, rather than fundamentally different – physically and mentally – and complementary.  This notion attacks the very heart and foundation of marriage and family.  It undermines and supplants the God-ordained roles of man and woman.

Feminism is America’s greatest enemy.  Good men charged with supporting their families are displaced by home-shirking, out-of-place, usurping women everywhere --- in schools, businesses, government and even churches.  Bad men expect their female partners to work outside the home to bag more luxuries for the household.  But this modern, “liberated” career woman, for all her “success” in the world, is really a failed and tragic figure.  Tempted and deceived, she misses true life as the happy, blessed and fulfilled Christian wife and mother of Proverbs 31.