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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 06:26 AM


First Published in 1994


"The beloved Senator John McCain" ...So stated Neil Cavuto of the Deep State FoxNews on an early broadcast shortly after McCain's death. Cavuto also referred to (2nd) wife Cindy as a 'school teacher,' corrected soon thereafter to 'heiress' (of a Budweiser Arizona franchise!). Listeners, aware of the scandalous and unprincipled activities of McCain, persumably forced the correction.

Surely most everyone has some understanding when I state, "the scandalous and unprincipled activities of McCain." Well, it's worse than you thought! Try this for openers: Joel Skousen, Editor of WorldAffairsBrief.com states, "McCain was a crousing and incompetent Navy pilot, a serial adulterer, a warmonger, globalist, and a liar and collaborator with the enemy as well, while a POW in Vietnam." I wish herein to limit my discussion to his POW experience in Vietnam, and also his opposition to the (further) recovery of MIA/POWs unaccounted for in Vietnam.

There are significant POW testimonials and audio that while McCain was a POW in Vietnam that he made over 30 propaganda broadcasts for the N. Vietnamese and was never tortured to force him to do so. (google: John McCain, Songbird of Hanoi zero NOT hero; and: McCain's victims may be vindicated by Hanoi Songbird video).

Secondly, and even more galling, per Skousen (and numerous articles I personally read during this period), was McCain's (with Senator John Kerry) sabotage of Senate hearings into other POW/MIAs left behind in Vietnam. They denied testimony by witnesses as to information that there were still live POWs in Vietnam; McCain classified any reports of 'sightings' of POWs so the public would not become aware of same; he intimidated their families; and referred to the subject as the "POW/MIA myth." There are many individuals who opposed McCain's actions, including Air Force Gen. Eugene Tighe, Col. Ted Guy (former POW), Cong. John LeBoutiller, and others.

(google: The War Secrets John McCain Hides; and: POWs: Forgetting Those Left Behind).

Senators McCain and Kerry's objective was to 'normalize relations with Vietnam;' but the true goal was the return of corporate business/trading with Vietnam. In other words, the POWs/MIAs were sacrificed at the altar of corporate business! And all of this was 'crowned' by the gaudy funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral, where the "Deep Staters" paid their fawning remarks to such an unprincipled scoundrel!