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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 08:20 AM


First Published in 1994


The infantlilization of the American people is nearly complete. “Democrats” cannot accept losing the Presidency, Establishment “Republicans” in DC, like Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg, cannot accept losing the GOP primary, (they call themselves “Never-Trumpers”) and if that isn’t upsetting enough, there are “Republicans” in Spartanburg, including, apparently, one married to an elected official, who are still sore and resisting the newly elected chairman of the Spartanburg County Republican Party.

An effort was made last Thursday night to block quick passage of the resolution I sent you Thursday that called for a prompt Senate vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Dumb me, I thought it was a slam dunk!

This effort was right out of the same Allinsky playbook being used by the Dems in DC, delay, delay, delay.

These Republican resisters wanted amendments to give Ms. Ford the courtesy of an honorific to her entire name; they wanted us to use the format we all learned in school, instead of the format the RNC uses for resolutions, they wanted more adjectives, and when they got finished, the whole thing made no sense and needed to be completely rewritten.

They did not care that the resolution had been vetted by the state chair and by Stephen Presser, co-author of the only originalist-based Con Law textbook in the country.

The resolution finally passed without amendments 11-9.

We are in deep trouble. How can Republicans govern when the opposition is not confined to the Dems, the socialists, the communists, and the Shariasts, but also includes large swaths of so-called Republicans?

We are in deep trouble!

This is what comes of 50 years of bad education.