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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 10:35 AM


First Published in 1994


I am adding on to the initial notes for electroshock, given the mass shootings that are sadly taking place.  Many psychiatric drugs are well known to cause violence in some patients. Perhaps these mass shootings are tied to these drugs prescribed by psychiatry?


Hello. Our veterans are being harmed and this needs to be exposed, please.  I am writing again to appeal to you to print these letters to the Editor to warn the public. This issue again is about electroshock please see ectjustice.com.  I am not on your usual place to submit as I have to explain some things and there is only so much room allowed to post. They are using a device and doing a procedure that has no FDA testing for safety or effectiveness and not telling patients this. They take it upon themselves to use a device that delivers up to and greater than 450 volts to patients brains, that has never even had pre-market approval. Major news will not even do an investigative piece because of the influence of these hospitals and providers. We need small town papers to bring attention to this so that we may warn the public, and garner many more attorneys for patients that have been harmed for decades. I hope you will meet your journalistic responsibility  to tell the truth of this situation, no matter the societal power structures at fault.

The letters I have sent, many are not being posted because I am told that people must be from their area as it relates to the paper. I understand this. There is a blog article on ectjustice.com about many patients inability to speak on this issue that I hope you will reference. I have encouraged many to write but for reason of brain injuries, or fear of exposure in giving their names, I have to be the one to approach for the most part. I hope you will consider this even though I am in Oregon the message is the same globally. Hospitals in your area are using this practice, so your community is at risk. There are many resources on ectjustice.com and blog articles on the law suits that are taking place on a nation and federal level. I will add the Letter to the Editor below if you will post for us as survivors, of this modern day abuse, to protect others?

https://youtu.be/Jyi32-slxUk Video by Jane


I want to thank you if you have posted a letter already that addresses this. I have significant memory issues so forgive me.