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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 12:28 PM


First Published in 1994


Many decades (literally!) ago, thanks to the efforts of some very dear friends, we started our three kids in Christian schools, being made aware of the liberal/socialist/Spock forces working into the educational policy and processes. Over the years, we had a few interesting 'discussions' with my two teaching/professor brothers; ultimately, this ledto my younger brother stating, "leave the education to the professionals."

Well, unfortunately, we see what this policy of the 'professionals' controllingeducation has achieved.  (By the way, the importance of education is so significantthat, for example, when one moves their family to a new city, what is one of thefirst considerations: "Let's be sure to get in a good school system!")

Well, let's look at some of the end results of the 'professionals' and public schools:

  1. Colleges have created classes for in-coming freshmen to re-learn what the schoolshave already failed to teach them, in order to begin their collegiate schooling.
  2. 'Common Core' math is such a failure (apparently it still exists even though we aretold otherwise (?)); I contend it is/was purposely to break the bond betweenparent helping their child with the important skill of math!
  3. Learning American history has been replaced with social skills/education.
  4. Overwhelming leftist bias in the teaching professions.
  5. Forces working toward the removal of 'God', Christianity, bible, etc.
  6. Forces working to eliminate grades/individuality, nobody fails, etc.
  7. Sex education in the schools has been a disaster.
  8. The introduction of  'questioning gender identity' in the lower grades is a disasterfor very young kids.

Hey, anybody reading this has their own list to be added to the above. 

And, of course there are a lot of great teachers (who are fighting much of the above, on their own), many great schools; and great students will get a good education regardless of the above issues.  

But the truth of the matter is, too many  'professionals' are programmed in their own education to a system that is anathema to the best (American) interests of the student.  And I would argue that what has been accomplished in the public schools is even more pronounced in the university.

P.S. Sorry to have to say this, but "we ain't as smart as we thought we was!"