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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:22 PM


First Published in 1994


Dear Citizens and Entrepreneurs of Greer:

Many of us in Greenville County have driven by and admired that old majestic flour mill on Hwy 101, near the Cool Creek Road intersection.  I wonder who used to own it, and what was its name? When was it built?  Was it functioning during the Civil War era, and  maybe feeding troops?  Citizens, this is a rare historical landmark, and should surely be preserved! It is rare to see an original iron water wheel still attached to the flour mill! That high water wheel is the biggest I've ever seen!


This mill is a  "diamond-in-the-rough" and a wonderful asset for the Upstate of South Carolina.   Let's not let this jewel deteriorate any longer! Hwy 101 is a heavily-traveled scenic route in summertime, and this could once again be a source of income for that area!  Can someone seek to make it a National Historic Landmark? [ For example, in famous Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, I saw a large, beautifully- landscaped (and lucrative) tourist attraction, centered entirely around the community's old mill.  And adding to the fun, they also adjoined a luscious steak house!]

The Hwy 101 flour mill could be a very attractive, family-oriented tourist spot!  In old-fashioned dress, tour guides could show it off both inside-and-out, and explain how America used to grind wheat and then  pour it into burlap flour sacks to sell. There could also be a little historic, old-fashioned souvenir shop inside!

Visitors could relax on park benches by the mill or put a blanket out for a picnic lunch on new, soft green grass. Maybe a cute gazebo could host small bands playing clean, 1800's American folk music. Cement paths all around could curve gently downward along the bubbling creek! Maybe even an old farm wagon and tractor could be restored, and placed on the site for the children to enjoy. I can envision a new mill "make-over," with huge pretty flower pots bordering  colorful food booths selling locally-made breads, pastries, lemonade, and of course, ice cream to tourists from all over the Southeast!  Anybody interested?