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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:27 AM


First Published in 1994


In 1861, when Lincoln called for 75,000 troops to invade the South, the United States stopped being a constitutional federal democratic republic. By war's end, the U.S. had become the extralegal centralized consolidated "one and indivisible" egalitarian empire Lincoln had envisioned. Now, after decades of relentless egalitarian social engineering, the United States is hopelessly divided, institutionally weak, and ready to fall. Spoiled, effeminate and pitifully ignorant, Americans today are slated by Providence for great tumult and suffering.

Before Lincoln and the war, America's greatest philosopher and statesman, John C. Calhoun, predicted the rapid and unstoppable social, economic and political meltdown Americans are experiencing now. Calhoun prophesied that a future historian, when performing the postmortem on the U.S. after its downfall, would identify as its cause of death the delusional belief of many Americans that "all men are created equal", and that all people are equally entitled to and fit for extensive liberty.

Noting the fatal attraction of the shallow and ambitious to Jefferson's mindless and un-Biblical phrase, Calhoun rightly called it the most dangerous "of all political errors." He foresaw how demagogues like Lincoln would transmute this obviously false notion into malicious and seductive sophistry, like the Gettysburg Address. Calhoun had warned: Efforts to instantiate equality, contrary to nature and God's laws, do more to destroy family and good government than all other causes combined. With stunning prescience, Calhoun foretold the great egalitarian crusades since 1861 -- from abolition to black and women's suffrage to desegregation to gay and trans "rights" to anti-white CRT — and how they would destroy all vestiges of truly constitutional and republican government.