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Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 04:59 PM


First Published in 1994


A Failing Grade on Truth

President Joe Biden 2024 2987

Most of the media and political commentary, especially since the June 27 Biden-Trump debate, has focused on President Biden’s mental competence. This is indeed extremely important. Moreover, there is a vast record of previous television and video material over the last several years that raises many serious questions about an apparent decline in Biden’s mental agility. It appears to many that he is suffering from some disease or injury that is causing a significant degeneration of capacities critical to any position in leadership, especially the American presidency. 

Biden demonstrated some of these weaknesses in his July 11 press conference, but he did better than expected. He demonstrated for about an hour that he had knowledge of many critical foreign and domestic issues. However, this does not mean he was truthful in his presentation of these issues. My overall impression, based on issues I know something about, was that he was often far from the truth. I have been following Biden on various issues since he was elected to the US Senate in 1972.  Perhaps Biden just comes to a lot of faulty conclusions. Perhaps Biden is misinformed by his staff and intelligence officers. Perhaps he has some ideological bias that makes it difficult to recognize truth. Perhaps he is sometimes delusional. Or perhaps he embraces the philosophy common among politicians that truth does not matter. Whatever wins votes, gets big financial donations,  pleases the powerful media, and accumulates money and power is truth.

Competence is a powerfully appropriate factor in our political considerations, but so is honesty. Biden’s July 11 press conference was semi-competent, but the media and public must also thoroughly examine and weigh Biden’s honesty.

Biden opened his July 11 press conference talking about NATO and Ukraine. Biden basically presents us with the standard false narrative that the Ukraine War is all Putin’s fault and that Putin’s “invasion” of Ukraine was “unprovoked.” Biden’s liberal media supported lie is the reverse of the truth and goes back to 2014, when then Vice President Joe Biden, then Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, and then adviser and present National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, along with the CIA, and British MI6 helped ruthless Ukrainian radicals pursuing ethnic purity in Ukraine to overthrow an elected pro-neutral President of Ukraine. This resulted in a civil war over Ukrainian discrimination against and ethnic cleansing of the large Russian minority in southeastern Ukraine. Over 14,000 people were killed in this civil war, which was purposely re-escalated by Ukrainian artillery attacks against civilian targets in the Russian-speaking Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk two-weeks before Putin’s February 24, 2022, intervention to stop the killing of ethnic Russians. Reinforced Ukrainian forces were also gathering and maneuvering to occupy the Donbass republics, which Ukrainian President Zelensky had called for in 2021. The Donbass republics had never been given the autonomy and equal civil rights promised in the 2015 Minsk agreements. These republics had revolted because of Ukrainian coup-government tyranny against Russian speakers. Resistance to Ukrainian tyranny was branded as terrorism.

There is also a larger geo-political issue surrounding the persecution of Russian ethnics in Ukraine. Putin and the Russians had been warning the US and NATO since 2008 that making Ukraine a NATO member was an existential Red Line threat for the Russians. The US and NATO had already built the Ukrainian Army into the second largest in Europe.

Moreover, the Rand Corporation, a US military think-tank, published two papers at the request of Deepstate Pentagon officials in 2019 that outlined a six-step process using Ukraine to cause regime change in Russia, eliminating it as a world power, and dividing it into powerless and exploitable smaller nations. These two documents prepared by James Dobbins et al, Ukraine between War and Peace, and Competing from Advantageous Ground totaled about 350 pages. The Rand Corporation actually warned against implementation, citing a high probability of failure, higher than expected costs, and decline in the credibility of US leadership. Apparently the plan was dusted off and implemented when Biden became president in 2021. The Rand Corporation’s warnings are proving accurate.

The false narrative that the Russian intervention was “unprovoked aggression” has been the main propaganda theme of Project Ukraine. The truth is that Putin and the Russian Bear have been provoked continually since 2008 and that the US wanted the Ukrainian proxy war as a means to eliminate Putin and collapse the Russian Federation. Claiming that the Ukraine Project is about saving or defending democracy is an utterly callous lie.  

I have written more extensively on this in my June 25 Times Examiner article: Using Ukraine to Defeat and Breakup Russia. The best source on the Ukraine War and especially the Rand Corporation’s six-step plan to defeat and breakup Russia are two of Col. Jacques Baud’s recent books on Ukraine: Operation Z, 2022, and Ukraine between War and Peace, 2023. Col. Baud is a retired Chief of Swiss Strategic Intelligence and a former NATO consultant. I also recommend Dr. Glenn Diesen’s just published book, The Ukraine War and the Russian World Order.

Would the CIA instigate a regime change in Ukraine? They did it in Ukraine in both 2004 and 2014. According to research by Dr. Lindsey A. O’Rourke, the CIA pursued 64 covert regime changes and six overt regime changes for a total of 70 during the Cold War years of 1947-1989. They have not stopped, although the strategy of foreign policy by regime change has often proved harmful to US and allied interests and has considerably eroded US diplomatic credibility. Recommended reading: Lindsey A. O’Rourke; Covert Regime Change: America’s Secret Cold War, 2018, Cornell University.

The US also does regime changes and threats of regime changes to allies. In November 1963, a JFK directed regime change in South Vietnam turned a moderate commitment of 16,000 troops and a stable and improving situation into chaos inviting a huge North Vietnamese invasion that LBJ-McNamara strategy turned into a peak commitment in 1968 of 536,000 American troops. Nixon had reduced troops to only 24,000 in 1972 and brought North Vietnam to its knees by strategic bombing and mining the principal North Vietnamese ports in December 1972. Congress ultimately gave that victory away by withdrawing its financial commitments to South Vietnam. The shameful result was that South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos fell to the Communists, and 3.5 million South Vietnamese and Cambodian civilians were murdered, starved to death, or drowned in the South China Sea under brutal Communist rule. Over 58,000 American military personnel died in the Vietnam War.   

On page 19 of the July 11 transcript, Biden claims that the Russians have suffered 350,000 dead and wounded in the conflict since February 2022.  This “US” estimate is essentially Ukrainian General Staff propaganda. No news from Ukraine gets published without supervision and approval of the Ukrainian General Staff. Dissenting foreign press are forced out, and dissenting Ukrainian press has been outlawed. That is why most American and European media publish wild misinformation about Ukrainian victories and progress and Russian losses. What is really happening is that Ukraine is running out of soldiers. The Russians now have overwhelming numerical advantages in artillery and munitions. They have almost complete air-dominance. They have a huge dominance in  air-defense, missiles, hypersonic missile technology, and electronic warfare, manpower, and potential manpower.  According to former Trump defense adviser, Col. Douglas Macgregor, Ukraine has lost over 600,000 military dead. Russian and allied dead are probably less than ten percent of that. Biden’s figures of both dead and wounded for Russians is probably inflated more than three-fold for political purposes. More than one million Ukrainian men have fled the country to avoid the senseless slaughter.

There is going to be a great embarrassment for many and serious discomfort for some, if Trump is elected, and the facts about Project Ukraine become more fully known.

There are undoubtedly many deepstate fortresses in government where politicians and bureaucrats fear the personal consequences of Trump’s election.  

The horrific assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13 should turn us to serious examination and preventive action. Many assassination attempts are the work of deranged individuals disconnected somehow to reality. Others are the ruthless politics of  power disconnected from moral or spiritual compass and often reality. The latter are especially prominent in the fall of great empires and nations, especially democracies. We need to be on guard and in constant prayer.  Political lies are not clever and rarely effective in the long term. They undermine the fabric of unity and trust in both domestic and foreign policy.

President Biden seems to live in an Alice in Wonderland world where lies don’t matter. His open-door immigration and border control policies are destroying the country and our election system. He answers questions about them with blatant lies no knowledgeable or intelligent person can believe. He is unphased. This is his way on many issues. Just keep lying despite more and more obvious results to the contrary. The obsequious mainstream media will support the lies without qualm, and all will be well—until reality brings national disaster and collapse.

“You will know them by their fruits.”—Matthew 7:15.

Biden’s July 11 press conference is filled with lies, ignorance, ridiculous exaggerations, delusions, and outrageous personal attacks on Trump.

Biden is not just about gaffs and speculation about degenerative dementia. He is extremely dangerous because he has little regard for truth, genuine moral compass and sense of duty, and a record of bad judgment. Click below for the July 11 transcript:  

Remarks by President Biden in Press Conference | The White House

“Whoever covers his sins will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.’—Proverbs 28:3.


Mike ScruggsMike Scruggs is the author of two books: The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths; and Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You, and over 600 articles on military history, national security, intelligent design, genealogical genetics, immigration, current political affairs, Islam, and the Middle East.

He holds a BS degree from the University of Georgia and an MBA from Stanford University. A former USAF intelligence officer and Air Commando, he is a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, and holds the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, and Air Medal. He is a retired First Vice President for a major national financial services firm and former Chairman of the Board of a classical Christian school.

Click the website below to order books. http://www.universalmediainc.org/books.htm.