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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 11:22 AM


First Published in 1994


Crashing Short of Democrat Victory in 2018

On August 25, Rasmussen Reports released a new poll showing that the generic Congressional preference ballot for likely voters in November was dead even with Democrats and Republicans tying 44 to 44 percent with 8 percent undecided and 3 percent preferring other parties. A week ago the Democrats held a 48 to 41 percent lead on the generic ballot. Moreover, the President’s approval rating is not suffering despite the mainstream media’s constant barrage of dishonest attacks against him.  The immigration wave is the only hope the Democrats have for the November 2018 election and the foreseeable future. They have gone so radically far off the social, economic, cultural, national security, public safety, and foreign policy track that their primary strategic plan has become the importation of huge waves of poorly informed voters who will buy into their disinformation demagoguery long enough to make the U.S. a one party Marxist dictatorship.

The unprecedented levels of immigration and treasonous and corrupt failure to enforce U.S. immigration laws since 1965 have brought them close to their goal, but their recent radicalism has become so obvious and repellant that it is turning away former constituencies who have opened their eyes to the consequences of dishonest and ill-conceived policies.

Stupid and spineless compromising Republicans could still hand the future of the radical Democrats back to them with an amnesty or legal immigration surge, but there is evidence that the spineless faction in the GOP is beginning to shrink as voters have become better informed on the consequences of illegal immigration and too much legal immigration. The U.S. (actually globalist) Chamber of Commerce and the Koch Brothers are still singing their globalist cheap-labor anthem, but their huge donations are becoming less effective.   

I have recently been encouraged by reading the NumbersUSA immigration grades for the Republicans in Congress. The four Republican members of the Senate Amnesty “Gang-of-
Eight” are still pretty bad, but even there some improvement is visible in the recent (2015-2018) grades.  Arizona Senator John McCain got C- (42%) and Arizona Senator Jeff Flake got D+ (35%). Lindsey Graham had a C- (39%), and Marco Rubio of Florida has brought his grade up to grade B (71%). Rubio was a co-sponsor of the 2012 amnesty bill, which was probably the worst immigration act proposed since 1986. Bob Corker of Tennessee, also a key player in the 2012 amnesty attempt has a recent grade of B+ (81%). Angry voter contact with these Senators has apparently scared them a bit straighter. We need to keep the scare on them. Big amnesty/cheap labor donors can be very persuasive and will require continued strong conservative countermeasures.   

Since my newspaper columns go primarily into North and South Carolina, I will elaborate a bit on those two states.

Eight NC Republicans in the U.S. House got A+, A, or A- grades: Walter Jones (100%), Richard Hudson (94%), Ted Budd (92%), Mark Walker (91%), George Holding (88%), Mark Meadows (86%), Robert Pittinger (86%), and David Rouzer (86%).

Also in the House, NC Republican Virginia Foxx got a B+ (85%) and Patrick McHenry got a B (73%).

North Carolina U.S. Senator Richard Burr got a B+ (85%) and Senator Thom Tillis got a B (76%).

All three NC Democrat U.S. House members got an F or F- grade: David Price (7%), Alma Adams (5%), and G. K. Butterfield (4%).

Three South Carolina Republicans in the U.S. House got an A+ or A grade: Jeff Duncan (100%), Ralph Norman (94%), and Trey Gowdy (91%).

Three SC Republican U.S house members got B grades: Tom Rice (74%), Joe Wilson (74%), and Mark Sanford (73%). Sanford was defeated in the GOP Primary by Katie Arrington.

Republican U.S. Senator Tim Scott got a B+ grade (81%). Senator Lindsey Graham as already noted got a C- grade (39%).

SC Democrat U.S. Representative James Clyburn got an F- grade, and zero percent.

Thirty-seven Republican U.S. House members received an A+ grade.  Of these, seven achieved the 100 percent rating: Andy Biggs, Arizona; Dave Brat, Virginia; Mo Brooks, Alabama; Jeff Duncan; South Carolina, Walter Jones, North Carolina, Perry Scott, Pennsylvania; and Bill Posey, Florida. Five of the seven are from Southern states.

Five Republican U.S. Senators received A ratings: Ted Cruz A+ (96%), and A- ratings for

John Boozeman, Arkansas (88%): John Kennedy, Louisiana (88%); Richard Shelby, Alabama (88%), and Tom Cotton, Arkansas (86%). All these are from Southern states.

Some of the more embarrassing D grades for Senate Republicans were: Jeff Flake, Arizona (35%), Corey Gardner, Colorado (35%); Susan Collins, Maine (19%); and Lisa Murkowski, Alaska (16%). Even Bernie Sanders, Vermont, got a 24% rating. The highest Democrat grade in the Senate was Joe Manchin, West Virginia (63%). Recently elected Alabama Democrat Senator Doug Jones, who defeated Republican candidate Judge Roy Moore with the help of establishment Republicans, so far has an F- grade (3%).

NumbersUSA also rates candidates running in the primaries and general election. The Republican Senate Primary in Arizona is August 28. Martha McSally, an incumbent Republican House member in Arizona has a B- grade (70%) for 2015-2018, but she is running against two more conservative Republican candidates, Dr. Kelli Ward, who NumbersUSA rates as a “True Reformer” (100%) on immigration issues, and Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who they did not rate, because many of his positions are unknown. He answered positively on 4 of 12 issues and gave no answer on the other 8.  The Democrat candidate, house member Kyrsten Sinema, has an F grade (7%).  The Big GOP establishment money and Karl Rove are backing McSally. I am backing Dr. Kelli Ward.

Overall the Senate Republicans though improving over previous years do not look reliably conservative on immigration issues. Based on past amnesty votes and flirtations, I would consider any grade less than 70 percent (approximately B-) vulnerable to a RINO amnesty bandwagon. Of 51 current U.S. Republican Senators 14 or 15 fall into that category. Thus amnesty supporters in the Senate could easily put together as many as 64 “bipartisan ”votes for a disastrous amnesty. I believe such a vote would destroy the Republican Party and eventually the foundational principles of the country. My hope is that Republicans will make gains in the Senate, because of the Democrat Party’s increasing radicalism and that the trend toward more conservative immigration positions in the current Senate makeup will continue. Meanwhile Republican primaries are very important, and grassroots conservatives should guard against Chamber of Commerce and Koch Brothers domination of the GOP.  

Americans should also watch European elections very closely. Recent developments in Poland, Hungary, Italy, and Austria are showing a strong revulsion against high levels of immigration. The Swedish election September 9 will be an important bellwether as will developments in the UK and Germany.

Despite some continued squishiness of backbones in the Senate and the liberal media’s relentless and disingenuous pounding of Trump, I believe Trump’s so-far impressive economic gains and Democrat radicalism are likely to scuttle the Big Blue Immigration Wave in 2018 and 2020.

Republicans cannot be complacent, however. They will have to contend with a blizzard of campaign and media disinformation and higher than normal vote fraud.


Mike ScruggsMike Scruggs is the author of two books: The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths; and Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You, and over 600 articles on military history, national security, intelligent design, genealogical genetics, immigration, current political affairs, Islam, and the Middle East.

He holds a BS degree from the University of Georgia and an MBA from Stanford University. A former USAF intelligence officer and Air Commando, he is a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, and holds the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, and Air Medal. He is a retired First Vice President for a major national financial services firm and former Chairman of the Board of a classical Christian school.

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