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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 11:27 AM


First Published in 1994


Ominous Threats to Peace and Freedom

Xi Jinping - President of the People’s Republic of China.
Xi Jinping - President of the People’s Republic of China.
One of the best books for understanding the Chinese Communist Party’s plan to replace the United States as the world’s greatest superpower is Michael Pillsbury’s 2014 book, The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower.  Its title alone reveals the two most important characteristics of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in military, economic, and diplomatic strategy: long-term patience and deception.  Bill Gertz’s 2019 book, Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China’s Drive for Global Supremacy, reveals the CCP’s astonishing deception, lies, and theft in advancing its technological means for becoming the dominant world power. Stephen W. Mosher’s 2017 book, Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order, is absolutely frightening. Its title reminds me of a former Air Force POW in North Vietnam, who gave me his very succinct description of Communism: “They are just bullies.”  Larry Arnn, President of Hillsdale College, described Mosher’s book very appropriately in a brief review, explaining “why China’s Dream is the world’s nightmare.”

An article by Nicole Hao and Cathy He in the March 31 issue of The Epoch Times summarized the speeches on Chinese strategic philosophy regarding competition with the U.S. given by Professor Jin Canrong, Dean of International Studies at Beijing’s Renmin University of China, at a conference at Guangzhou city over a space of two days in July 2016. Jin Canrong is a highly influential adviser to several national CCP organizations.

Dr. Jin’s 2016 conference speeches included plans to manipulate U.S. elections. The first primary target would be all 435 U.S. House seats. Noting that about 200,000 people vote in a Congressional District election and many elections are won by less than 10,000 votes; financial, economic, and academic leverage can be used to elect pro-China U.S. Congress Representatives. This plan has undoubtedly since been expanded to influence Presidential, Senate, and state and local elections.

Chinese investments in the U.S. are not only profitable but also bring considerable opportunities for political influence on state and local governments. The CCP hopes also to control many U.S. markets and industries.

Chinese Culture and Studies grants to universities provide a considerable financial incentive to educational institutions for pro-China policies and thinking. There are also over 372,000 Chinese students in U.S. colleges. This number has nearly doubled since 2012.

China holds $1.1 Trillion in U.S. Treasury debt. It is perhaps not wise to owe money to nations that hold you as enemies, but we have deceived ourselves on the benefits of continued deficit spending and Chinese intentions, The CCP could damage our economy and currency value by massive selling of U.S. securities. We have allowed them dangerous leverage over us.

China consistently steals U.S. technology by whatever means or leverage. It has been a major and fruitful CCP policy. According to Dr. Jin, China’s new J-20 fighter-interceptor and new long-range hypersonic DF I-20 ICBM are stolen U.S. technology.

The Chinese are extending loans for infrastructure and development of natural resources to many countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe that probably cannot be re-paid. This is a Debt Trap to grab controlling interests in their natural resources and make them indentured military and economic allies to China and enemies of the United States. This is particularly obvious in South Africa, which is rich in critical natural resources, but is implementing extreme-left economic and social policies confiscating property from and discriminating against its white minority.  This has essentially reduced the human capital needed to manage its natural resource and economic development.  The Chinese are exploiting the situation to control critical natural resources. Two CCP organizations are especially engaged in Chinese infrastructure and financing operations to expand Chinese influence and power—the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP).  

The CCP realizes that the U.S. has three main enemies: China, Russia, and Radical Islam. They believe that if they can create a fourth great enemy for the United States, it will exhaust American strength to the point of social and political collapse. They were delighted to see the U.S. spend more the $6 trillion, ten years, and 10,000 lives in Afghanistan. It gave China more time to catch up.

Communists in general and certainly the CCP believe in engaging the U.S. and other Western countries in Negotiation Traps, where years of effort accomplish nothing, but the Communists gain time for military and technological advancement.   As should have been clear from our experiences in Korea and Vietnam, Communists have no intention of negotiating in good faith.  They use negotiation to stall, while they build up or rebuild forces and advance their plans and technology.

The CCP also intends to dominate as many influential international organizations as possible—the United Nations, World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, and, of course, the World Health Organization, and the Olympic Committee.

The CCP is actively using racial issues to stir up trouble in the U.S. It has been easy for them to latch onto U.S. Democratic Party racial pandering and identity politics to do this. They have lately added white supremacy and violence against Asian Americans as exploitable issues and strategies.

One of the CCP’s most important goals is to expand its territorial control and influence in the South China Sea and the Asia Pacific. Making Taiwan (the Republic of China), also formerly known as the island of Formosa, an internationally recognized part of Communist China is a major objective with short to intermediate time frame. Increased political influence over Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, and Myanmar (Burma) is also important to the Chinese.

In January 2019, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced “China must be, will be reunified… {Reunification is] a must for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era.”  The goal of reunification is a basic tenet of China’s policy regarding Taiwan and forms a central part of Xi’s nationalist doctrine.  Dr. Jin pointed out in 2016 that Xi Jinping is ambitious and dares to use power.

Recently, on February 18, 2021, Senator Tom Cotton (R, AR) commented in Defense News that the Biden Administration needs to make it clear and “Replace strategic ambiguity with strategic clarity that the United States will come to the aid of Taiwan if China was to forcefully invade Taiwan or otherwise change the status quo across the [Taiwan] Strait.”

According to a March 10 article by Judith Bergman in a Gatestone Institute report, China is already ramping up pressure on Taiwan by forcing the Taiwan Air Force to be on constant alert. Their aim is to exhaust Taiwan’s resolve to resist Chinese takeover. Tensions are the highest since 1996. Chinese Communist jets made a record 380 incursions into Taiwan’s air defense zone in 2020, and surged to new monthly records in 2021. More recently, Chinese naval vessels have joined in the harassment. This also involves the Taiwan controlled Matsu islands nearer the Chinese mainland. Recently, Wu Qian, a spokesperson for the Chinese Communist Ministry of Defense stated “Taiwan independence means war.”

According to Global Firepower (GFP), the five greatest flashpoints for war are Ukraine vs. Russia, Taiwan vs. China, Greece vs. Turkey, India vs. China,  and  S. Korea vs. N. Korea, which could involve China.  Note that three of the five involve China.

GFP rates the United States as having the most powerful armed forces in the world. Russia is second, and China is third but aggressively becoming more competitive. Taiwan ranks number 22.

The U.S. has far and away the most powerful Air Force. The Russians are second and have a separate large Strategic Missile Command. In the number of nuclear warheads, the Russians are first, the U.S. second, and the Chinese a very distant third.

China has the largest number of Naval ships at 777, with the Russians at 603. The U.S. Navy has far greater tonnage and firepower with only 490 ships. The U.S. is absolutely dominant in Naval Air Power with 11 nuclear super-carriers and 10 helicopter carriers. China has only two carriers, and Russian only one. The U.S. submarine fleet of 68 is all nuclear and includes 18 Trident ballistic missile subs with absolutely dominant strategic nuclear capability. Russia has 64 subs and China 79. The great majority of the Chinese subs are diesel fueled. China does lead in the number of surface combat ships at 188, but the 113 U.S. surface combat ships are far better equipped and powerful. The Russians have 111.  

On the ground, the Russians have 13,000 modern tanks versus 6,100 for the U.S. and 3,200 for the Chinese. The Russians also have far more heavy artillery and rockets than either the U.S. or China. The U.S. has 1.4 million active military personnel and another 850,000 reserve and national personnel. Russia has only 1.1 million active military but 2.5 million ready reserves. China has 2.2 million active military personnel and 1.2 million reserves.

Taiwan has a population of 24 million and an active military of 290,000 but 2.8 million ready reserves. The Taiwanese Air Force has 787 aircraft compared to 4,182 for the Chinese Air Force. The Taiwanese Navy has 67 ships including 4 submarines. The Army has 1,280 tanks, about 2000 armored fighting vehicles, and the same number of heavy artillery pieces.  

Senator Cotton is right. The Biden Administration needs to make U.S. commitments to Taiwan clear. This is not the time to bend to Chinese bullying. This is not the time for reducing the fighting power of the U.S. Armed Forces. This is not the time, and there should never be a time for weakening our military with divisive leftist social-engineering politics. This is not the time, or should there ever be a time for open borders and dangerous amnesties.

It is a time for national security policies based on truth, courage, and realism.   


Mike ScruggsMike Scruggs is the author of two books: The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths; and Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You, and over 600 articles on military history, national security, intelligent design, genealogical genetics, immigration, current political affairs, Islam, and the Middle East.

He holds a BS degree from the University of Georgia and an MBA from Stanford University. A former USAF intelligence officer and Air Commando, he is a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, and holds the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, and Air Medal. He is a retired First Vice President for a major national financial services firm and former Chairman of the Board of a classical Christian school.

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