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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:26 PM


First Published in 1994


I have written in several places about the political circus I am observing. When Donald Trump was elected I thought we might find a way back to sanity. Some few have, but factors beyond Trump’s reach are working to remove him from Office and undo the elements of common sense he put in motion. If most Americans will see to his reelection next year a slim possibility to preserve our nation will remain.

The Democratic Party as a whole is doing everything it can to rid the country of its best President since George Washington. The watch-dog news industry has become the hunt-dog for Trump haters. The Republican Party is heavy with RINOs (republicans in name only) who want to hang on to the SWAMP Trump is trying to drain. Our Founding Fathers were wiser than most citizens imagined and gave us a Constitution that almost made it impossible for that SWAMP to be created, but not quite! It took a couple of hundred years for the fallen nature of man to gain control of our government and turn it into a haven for the greedy.

They will now do anything to preserve that haven. The education system the federal government should never have been allowed into, has so removed educational goals and replaced them with its indoctrination processes that the last three or four generations can hardly even identify two or three of the Founding Fathers. And the ones they can identify they can’t tell you what they stood for.

Ask anyone if Thomas Jefferson wanted to separate the government from religion and they will likely say “yes”. Many of them will also tell you that our Founders were a bunch of greedy, white slave-holders just looking out for themselves. Yet those greedy, selfish, inconsiderate imbeciles managed to found a nation that has become the wealthiest most freedom-loving country this world has ever known.

Maybe that’s our problem; these last few generations have been so well fed, so comfortably cradled, so unchallenged that they believe that is how the whole world works. If we continue down the road they appear to desire, they will find themselves not so well fed, comfortably cradled and unchallenged.

They might have to grow a few crops, build a few cottages and walk a few miles in the shoes our Founding Fathers had to walk in… should they live long enough to try. Quite frequently when a nation is overthrown the tyrants taking over like to take out those who assisted in the takeover, or something like that.