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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:23 PM


First Published in 1994


First-off. . .What follows is ONE MAN’S OPINION based on what I have read and listened to from many, many sources. The coronavirus crisis is a planned and executed crisis designed to remove President Trump from office and to perhaps save some very important people from having to face justice. I do not know who was and is involved in it. I have some guesses but will not voice them because I cannot offer proof to support them. The President and the people are being lied to and the major media, including FOX, is not being honest in their coverage.

Media between now and the election in November will be telling us all the steps the President should have taken to relieve the suffering and reduce the number of deaths created by the pandemic. He did not act quickly enough and he did not provide all the financial support he should have. We are already hearing some of this . . . we will continue hearing it with so-called “evidences” supplied. Remember the adage the Nazis employed in WWII, “tell a lie big enough and long enough and the people will believe it.” We (most of us) believed what they were telling us and over six million Jews died. We have been listening to the lies about Trumps actions with the Russians, then put up with a faked impeachment by the Democratic House and now are seeing the premier of the lying about his inability to properly handle a health-care crisis. They tell us these are efforts to save our country from an inept President who should never have been elected in the first place. . . he MUST NOT be reelected!

In the past 3 years we have seen a President, who is not a politician, assume the office and rebuild a nation that was essentially bankrupt with a swampy Congress. Unlike most Presidents this one kept his promises even though the swamp kept trying to prevent him from doing so. He rebuilt our national defense system and repaired a broken health system for veterans. Our economy flourished under his leadership, which brought back to America many business operations that had moved to foreign countries. The stock markets soared, the unemployed found jobs. All this and more was accomplished while the Democratic House did nothing but oppose his every effort and the major media (except for FOX) voiced their opposition to his approaches. This President must be reelected and given a Trump supporting House and Senate in the coming election if we are to retain a FREE America, which will be difficult even for him. May the LORD above have mercy on a nation that has told Him in every way we could think of that we don't want Him intruding on us. Israel learned the hard way, I pray we don't have to.