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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 02:17 PM


First Published in 1994


The more-and-more I see of what’s happening in our nation and what has already happened around the globe, the more convinced I become that we are watching Biblical prophecy being fulfilled. Seeing the recent impeachment fracas reminded me of a passage in Ecclesiastes 10:2, “A wise man’s heart inclines him to the right, but a fool’s heart’s to the left.” Even back then God knew the “left” would be in opposition to His people. Over two thousand years ago He wrote that the Israeli people, after being scattered among the nations, would be returned as a nation in the later days.

They have been and are returning. He also implied that Jerusalem would be the Capital city and would become a problem for the nations. Jerusalem is now their Capital and much argument is being heard about it. Nowhere can we find such a revival of any other nation. His Word also tells us that we will experience great apostasy in the “last days”. Have you noticed the war being raged against Christianity over the last ten to twenty years? There are still a few in Washington who acknowledge being Christian; but count the oppositional rulings they have made and you begin to wonder. Even now, the republican majority in the Senate is floundering in their efforts to move quickly to a decision concerning the impeachment of President Trump. Sort of makes one wonder just who is a swamp-dweller these days.  

And considering the Swamp: why is it taking so long for some positive action by those investigating the efforts of the Deep State to destroy the result of the 2016 presidential election? Again, one begins to wonder just who is trustworthy and who is perhaps a double-agent. As our publisher has commented, the war we are watching is a war between good and evil. Take a good look at Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” This is what our President is fighting! He may not be your ideal warrior, he may not be your idea of what is presidential. He’s a little crude and rough around the edges and his language sometimes is quite blunt, but he has been doing a job that has been needed for several decades and he is keeping the promises he made in spite of the opposition. If you really love America and the freedoms it affords, you will strive to keep him in the Office. The big money is on the other side: some of it will be used to try to buy votes for those who love the swamp and some of it will be used to get votes from the cemeteries, the illegals, and any other place where fraud may be had.

I find that I cannot watch the democratic effort to paint our President as some monster who has illegally managed to steal an election they had bought and paid for. It’s just too painful to see those who have likely never really read our Constitution attempt to prove they are working to protect it when their very efforts are ignoring it. With all the efforts democrats and their media cohorts have made over the last three years they have been unable to find any justifiable reason for impeachment of the President. I suspect such efforts to find impeachable acts on any one of his foes would have discovered them.  We are seeing truth and justice being ignored by our elected officials and our major media personnel. A friend recently asked me how I might define the words justice and love and their relationship in a social structure; not an easy question to answer. Our Scriptures tell us that God is Love and God is just. That gave Him a dilemma when man sinned. To be just, God had to punish the sin, He couldn’t forgive without punishing the sin and remain just. But he wanted to offer love. What could He do? Well, He sent his son down to earth and he took on humanity. In that human flesh he never sinned. He taught a few followers and worked a few miracles to prove his Godship and the people really seemed to love him. But there was a group that didn’t like what he was doing and they set out to get rid of him. Eventually they charged him and had him hung on a cross and killed. In that process he took on all the sin of all the people and died (paid the price we all owed). This satisfied His justice and allowed Him to love those people who would accept the fact that he had died in their place. Three days after his death he arose from the dead, proving himself the Messiah, thus we have true justice and true love in their ultimate expression. Would that we might view this example and honor it in our dealings one with another. Our democratic friends are totally ignoring it and attempting to make us ignore it. Man’s greatest injustice, the slaughter of the only sinless man, bought heavenly tickets for you and me, all we have to do is accept the tickets. In a land that once took pride in its Christianity we are now seeing laws made against the free exercise of Christianity. Kinda makes one wonder where we went wrong.