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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:23 PM


First Published in 1994


If you are really listening to find truth about what is going on in our nation (and around the world) you first need to take a thorough look at what is written in the Bible. Our Holy Bible is filled with prophetic information; some of those prophesies have already been filled, but many of them have not…many of them are being fulfilled right in front of our eyes to ones who know how to look for them. Scriptures also tell us that some of God’s people are lost because they lack knowledge*, and they lack that knowledge because they desire not to see it. There are many, many places in scripture warning us about false teachers; not necessarily preachers, but others may be filling what we are hearing with partial or total erroneous information: maybe Jesus was not "virgin-born,” maybe He didn’t really die on that cross, etc.

Watching and listening to media these days is to hear lie upon lie upon lie. Republicans accuse the Democrats and most Media of lying to the Public. Democrats attribute the lies to President Trump and the Republicans. The Public doesn’t know who to believe. How are we to know? I suggest we tune ourselves to hear not what they are saying, but to look at what they are doing. Is what they are promising something they can actually deliver? How many free meals do you think are out there? How does a government make money? They may print it, but they can’t make it. In today’s economy the money government prints is worth the same as what the counterfeiter prints…there is nothing behind it of value, no gold, no silver, only the promise of a bankrupt government. Governments do not create wealth. Wealth is created by people producing that which other people need or desire. Since gold and silver have historically been used as minerals of wealth people will mine them from the earth. Since potatoes and carrots are food to feed people other people will plant and tend them, they have worth. Since fabric is used to clothe people, some will weave the fabric. Many people work to create automobiles which others will buy. Get the idea? The only thing the government creates is debt, which you and I have to do the work to provide the wealth with which the government will pay the debt. Think of this when you are trying to decide which party you will vote for.

Actually, I don’t think either party can solve the problems facing us. I view what I see as Biblical prophecy being fulfilled. Take a close look at the Books of Daniel and Revelation. Of course to understand those two Books one really needs to be familiar with Genesis and a few of the others. Revelation starts off like this:

Revelation 1:1-2 (ASV)
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass: and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John;  who bare witness of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, even of all things that he saw.

The bold emphasis is mine, pointing out that what will follow is prophetic and will show what is to come in the future. The word “shortly” should be taken as being in God’s time, considering that elsewhere He tells us a day to him may be a thousand years. Actually He resides in eternity and sees it all.  Keep in mind that John, the writer of this book, spent about three years with Jesus, saw His majesty, His death and saw Him following His resurrection. Maybe he knows what he’s writing about. If you know Jesus as your savior in these troubling times just turn your worry over to Him, relax and go about your business.

* Hos. 4:6