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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:18 AM


First Published in 1994


Salti Says 10 19 20Back as early as 2006 I heard a pastor say we are in the condition we’re in because we have believed the LIE. I suspect most of you know about the lie Lucifer told Eve to get her to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. First thing, he suggested that God had not told them the truth about what would happen – then he lied and said they would become like God if they ate the fruit. Well, that was just a little more than she could stand and she took a bite, no harm in that. Then she had to convince Adam to try it or she would be out there all by herself. Adam couldn’t take that so he took a bite too. And that’s when all the world went bad.

Well, the lie hasn’t changed its approach much. If you don’t believe the Bible or think it’s just partly true, you will fall for any offer you think will benefit you. And when some good old honest-john congressman feeds you a line that he’s really working out a deal that can’t be beat you’ll latch on and give him your vote. Next election he hasn’t come through but he assures you he is still working it out and needs a little more time. He’s really a fine Joe and we vote him in again. Things get worse instead of better but we keep on electing good old honest-john Joe.

Then some late-bloomer comes along and gets elected when he’s not supposed to, and starts doing all the things he said he was gonna do. But old honest-john Joe says he’s doing them all wrong and we shouldn’t vote for him any-more, and he gets all the newspapers telling us a lot of bad things about the new guy. Things get all confused – how could he get all those good things done if he’s such a rascal? We kinda wonder why they don’t tell us why Joe didn’t get all those thing done while he was in there. Think maybe the newspapers and old honest-john Joe are telling us lies? That’s what I ‘spect.