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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:25 PM


First Published in 1994


SALTY SEZ Some Old BooksBeen going through some old books and spotted one that kinda jumped out at me. Title: “The Planned Destruction of America”. I checked it out. It was written by a dentist, Dr. James W. Wardner, and he dedicated it to “those Americans who love their country as I was taught by my parents and who desire to know who has torn it apart and why.” Dr. Wardner copyrighted this book in 1994, 26years ago and the destruction was well under way to him. So when I say we’ve been asleep quite a while you can believe it. One of his early comments is “…we have been educated not to know.” Browsing among old books can sometimes surprise even me – “The Peoples Pottage” by Garet Garrett is so old the leaves have grown yellow. The edition I have is The Americanist Library edition printed in 1965 showing a copyright date of 1953 – some 67 years ago – and some of its commentary reads as though it were written yesterday. In a discussion about ways of capturing the seat of government it said the use of force was not to be considered, therefore it had to be done by ballot. Secrecy and stealth had to be employed and the people had to be convinced that what was being done was for their benefit. The ultimate goal of the elite rulers was to remove power from the people and gain the power for themselves. It was always POWER! The Democratic Party may have finally succeeded in giving Obama (It’s pretty obvious Obama will be the power behind Biden.) a third term as President. I’m afraid Uncle Sam just shot himself, with our help, we elected the Congress and refused to hold it accountable.