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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 04:18 PM


First Published in 1994


Salti Sez What is going onNow, I know I’m not going crazy! But I’ve got questions ‘bout lots of other people – reminds me ‘bout that old saying “the crazy-folk have taken over the Asylum!” Anybody with a grain of common sense knows the recent election was rigged to support Joe Biden, yet all the so-called Media and lots of Judges are saying “It ain’t so!” – even after seeing the evidence. I guess too many of them attended our upgraded educational system, maybe our grammar schools, where the kids are taught there’s no real TRUTH…everything is relative. Now, I realize that lots of folk vote democrat cause that’s the way their fathers and grandfathers voted.

They still think we live in a Democracy and wonder what the term Republic means. A lot of them think the government is supposed to look after them and give them everything they want, and I guess they were attending the same schools as those other guys. The internet is full of both opinions – and I guess both sides think they have the right answer. Either that or each side thinks it can lie better than the other side; seems like lying is the thing to do now. I grew up a few years before most of them were even thought about, much less being born. Our schools were a bit different in those days. O some liberal thinking was already being sneaked in but no one much was aware of it.

I fell in love with my first-grade teacher. She was just plain pretty, smiled a lot and liked everybody in the class; taught me how to write my name and sometimes let me clean off the blackboard. Now, you can’t get better than that. That first year we just had that one teacher and she brought up things we’d never heard of. The second year we had another teacher who was to teach us arithmetic but that first teacher was still teaching everything else. She even taught us something about artists and showed us pictures of famous paintings. After year two we sort of moved on to more teachers teaching different things. We learned then that there were some things in life that didn’t change. Working together and helping each other was a good thing, but copying someone’s paper was bad. The Ten Commandments were posted where everyone could read them and someone said a prayer every morning. Space here doesn’t permit me to dig deeply into this. I just can’t help wondering why we let it get away from us.