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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:24 AM


First Published in 1994


Salty Sez 2021 06 21 141130A few weeks ago I said some things about the Equality Act Congress is working hard to pass. Now, I want equality myself: equality to say what I want to say and not have it cancelled, equality to say no to an untested vaccine that might eventually prove worse that the virus it is supposedly fighting -- but which some idiotic judge with no medical training says I have to take or my company can fire me. Technically I have no real knowledge of what the Equality Act spells out, but I have enough common sense to know that assuring equality of results is an impossibility, and that saying up is down does not make it true. We may say bad must equal good and dark must equal light, but whose standards are we following when we say it? Personal individuality is a quality built into the American system, and individuality guarantees inequality. It allows every American to use whatever talents he or she has to build his or her potential as far as possible. It is the quality that built this nation into the greatest country this world has known. Any law denying this principle would not be legal under our Constitution – but we-the-people seem to be allowing an unelected administration to pass numerous laws and regulations that are technically unconstitutional. And we, and most of our Supreme Court, seem not to be very interested.

Personally I fear that ninety percent of our general public is unaware of the distress facing us. They think we have a normal political disagreement that will somehow work itself out if we can just get a few more conservative politicians elected. I ask, how will they get elected while the enemy-controlled election machines that “elected” our present administration are still being used? Also I fear that far too many citizens are accepting what the government and their propagandists are telling us about the covid-19 pandemic. They haven’t learned that it was a well-planned pandemic designed to create a climate of fear that would allow them to separate us and take freedoms we would not relinquish under normal conditions. I fear most of all that a great majority have not recognized the war we are in is a spiritual war that has been raging since Adam ate the “apple” and will continue until Christ returns.