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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:17 PM


First Published in 1994


We’ve all heard the word, “fascist,” quite a lot lately. Every so-called “main stream media” outlet is proclaiming that fascists are evil racists (they are both), noxious “right wing extremists” (nope) who are in league with President Trump (not true) and his “bad, bad, bad” conservative/populist allies in the ranks of “The Basket of Deplorables,” as Comrade Hillary Clinton labeled them. (A few months ago, no less an authority than Rush Limbaugh said that Hillary was a COMMUNIST, so I’m just using her appropriate title).


As I write this, the “usual suspects” – anti-Constitutional RINOS, members of The New Bolshevik Party (formerly Democrats), members of the far left Congressional Black Caucus, neocons (pretend conservatives), the anti-American “main stream media” (championed by “Fake News” CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Huffington Post) – are ruthlessly attacking President Trump for his “alleged collusion” with the dastardly Russians, collusion (which is NOT against any law) that surely led to the defeat of that noble, that loving, that concerned and caring, that smartest woman in the land – the former First Lady and “Should Have Been President,” Hillary “What Difference Does It Make Now?” Clinton, that liar, conniver, law breaker, and probable traitor who should long ago have been tried and convicted of many instances of law breaking and probable TREASON against her country!

I hold no sympathy with racial “supremacists” of ANY race. I surely hold no sympathies for modern-day “neo-Nazis,” the descendants of despicable left-wing barbarians from a bygone age who discovered in 1945, to their dismay, that the rest of us weren’t about to tolerate their violence and aggression any longer. THAT solution should be extended to the present day violent THUGS AND GANGSTERS known as “ANTIFA” (Anti-Fascists), the masked FASCIST cowards who infest the streets and college campuses of America, as they mob together and attempt to bully and intimidate those they disagree with, deny them their First Amendment FREE SPEECH rights, and as we’ve seen recently, deny those they disagree politically with their right to peacefully gather in a restaurant, a movie theater, or a job site. The long-honored American right of “free speech” for all is a maxim that these leftist and anti-constitutionalist loons have abandoned, as they do the violent bidding of despicable anti-Americans like George Soros, in whose pay and employ they are!

Ignoring the mild castigations against “Antifa” by our leftist and progressive MSM (who seem determined to offer up excuses for Antifa’s violence), I’d like to share a “definition” of the Antifa thugs and bullies from Urban Dictionary:

“ANTIFA is a bunch of skinhead brats living in their parents’ basements, looking to beat the crap out of anyone who doesn’t follow their point of view. They believe their tactics are for the “greater good,” but have pretty much run out of “Nazis” to chase after, so they take their hate out on anyone else who defies them. They will beat you up, using mace, clubs, boots, brass knuckles, etc. THEY are the truly FASCIST “anti-fascists.” They are cowards who will gang up on you and attack only in groups. Confront a lone “Antifa” and he will run away, screaming.”

So exactly what is this political system known as “fascism”? Brannon Grant, in the Urban Dictionary, defined it as, “Anything that leftists disagree with.” Which is demonstrably true. Dictionary.com provides a “cleaned up” definition of fascism:

“A Governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and OFTEN RACISM;
A political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Benito Mussolini in Italy from 1922 to 1943.”

Many Americans today have never heard of Benito Mussolini or his left wing Fascist Blackshirt Movement begun in Italy in the early 1920’s, AND so admired by Adolf Hitler – who eventually called his 1930’s left wing  socialist movement ‘National Socialism,’ or “Nazi-ism,” AND by President Franklin Roosevelt, who so admired Mussolini and fascism that he sent a delegation to Mussolini in the 1930’s to learn how he could pattern his “New Deal” after Mussolini’s system, because FDR’s “New Deal” wasn’t sufficiently ‘progressive,’ nor was it “socialist” enough to suit Roosevelt.

Benito Mussolini outlined three basic principles that explained his “Fascist” philosophy of government:

1) “Everything in the State.” He proposed that government must be supreme and all encompassing within the country. ALL citizens MUST conform to the “ruling body” – the dictator and his ‘toadies;’
2) “Nothing outside the State.” A fascist country must expand –must grow, so this implies that the goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, thereby forcing every human being to submit to the fascist government;
3) “Nothing against the State.” ANY questioning of the government or its motives or tactics is NOT tolerated. If one doesn’t agree with official government dogma, then that one is WRONG, and is not allowed to live and ‘taint’ the minds of the rest of the “good” citizens.

There, from the dictator’s mouth, are the basics of a fascist system of government, a system that was in place in Italy from Mussolini’s 1922 “March on Rome” until 1943, when the Italian people decided that they’d had enough of Mussolini and his dictatorship, shot him, and strung him up upside down from a light pole.

Dinesh D’Souza explains, in his recent book, THE BIG LIE: EXPOSING THE NAZI ROOTS OF THE AMERICAN LEFT: “Mussolini was in fact a Marxist, the most famous Marxist (in Italy) along with Gramsci; Mussolini was the editor of the Socialist Party magazine. So when Mussolini became a fascist, it was seen as a leftist move. Shortly after Mussolini’s ‘March On Rome’ (in 1922) establishing the first fascist regime in the world, Lenin sent a telegram of congratulations… He recognized Mussolini as a fellow revolutionary of the left.”

Fascist countries such as Italy was during most of the 1920’s and 1930’s had a reputation for “order,” for “making the trains run on time.” They are perceived (inaccurately) as having outward “harmony” and little internal strife, but that is because there are NO conflicting political parties OR elections allowed in fascist countries.

Fascism implies TOTAL governmental power – the ruling class of the government has ALL the power and the people have none. Adolf Hitler was a great admirer of Mussolini’s fascism, and tailored his National Socialist Movement (Nazi-ism) upon it. Nazi-ism soon morphed into a system of EXTREME FASCISM, with a hatred of Jews thrown in. Both systems are based on TOTAL GOVERNMENT POWER and are to the LEFT side of the political spectrum, along with socialism, communism, and strong monarchies.

The next time some leftist loon, or some totally uninformed friend or family member or co-worker lectures you on the evils of “right wing fascism,” refer them to the basics I’ve covered above, or lead them, gently but firmly, to the truth, which YOU can discover on the internet if you’ll take the time. Don’t let them convince you that you are wrong and they are right, because THEY are wrong and YOU are right! And don’t forget it!



A native of Cleveland, Ohio W. H. (Bill) Lamb was graduated from Cleveland State University (Ohio) in 1960, and relocated to South Carolina in 1964.  For many years he was an Industrial Engineer, Chief Industrial Engineer, and plant manager in the steel, electronics, and apparel industries in Ohio, South Carolina, and Alabama. 

He is a long time student of both American history and ancient Egyptian history, and has long admired the stalwart people who founded the British colonies and pre-dynastic Egypt, two groups that left permanent marks on human civilization.

An avid and long time writer concentrating on political and cultural issues of concern to America’s Christian Patriot community, he was published in the Lancaster, S.C. “News” during the mid-to-late 1960’s and in Greenville’s “The Times Examiner” since 1999.   The late Christian Patriot, Col. Bobby Dill, was his first editor for The Times Examiner, the publication he always refers to as “a great journal of truth”.

Married to Barbara for 65 years, he has two adult kids, five grandkids, and six great grandkids, plus a “feisty and opinionated” 80 lb. Pit Lab named Hayley, who runs the entire house.

A long time member, with Barbara, of the patriotic John Birch Society, he believes that it is the duty of ALL Christians to first, share the love of his Savior, Jesus, with others, and then to be dedicated patriots and do everything possible to both resist the evil of collectivism that is smothering Western Civilization and educate and motivate his fellow Americans in the preservation of our unique Constitutional Republic.