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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:25 PM


First Published in 1994


We’ve all seen them in person or on video:  Little flying mammals who come out around dusk in search of insects or fruit to eat.  A few of them seek out blood to drink, and are called “vampire” bats.  Most people are afraid of bats (which don’t get in your hair), but except for the remote possibility of being bitten by a rabid bat, they are harmless to humans and generally are beneficial to mankind.  All except one.  The moonbat is truly dangerous to human safety and happiness because it is wingless, cunning, and resorts to perfidy, subterfuge, mendacity, lies, and violence to survive and attack its opponents.

So exactly what, you might ask, is a “moonbat”, and what does it look like?  According to The Urban Dictionary, a “moonbat” can be described as follows:

  • An irrational and mentally unstable person of a decidedly liberal political affiliation;
  • An unthinking or insane leftist—i.e. most modern liberals;
  • Someone far over on the left of the political scale that makes insane, irrational statements about their opposition to those who are constitutional conservatives;
  • A mentally unstable liberal who tries to hijack the true meaning of a word and turn it to their advantage. Just as they have with history.  It is a term used to describe liberals’ mental instability and their general lack of true knowledge.

Now that you are aware of the “definitions” for moonbat, let’s delve into where these creatures hang out.  Obviously, they are members of the human race (barely), have two legs, two arms, and damaged brains, a result of the unfortunate cell damage caused by exposure to the virulently dangerous  “Obammacoccus Stupidicus” virus.  Therefore we must admit that moonbats can be, and sadly are, all around us—they could be our neighbors, family members (they’re a pesky and potentially  dangerous kind of moonbat), people you work or belong to organizations with, go to church with, possibly socialize with (although that’s an “oxymoron”), and might even be your customers or friends (another at least questionable relationship).  Sadly, they could even be your spouse!

Moonbats have existed in all times and all cultures, and without doubt have wreaked their havoc over the centuries. (They were violently effective during the French Revolution beginning in 1789).  But it is in the modern contexts that we must contemplate the existence of, and the damage caused by, these dangerous and misled and pathetic creatures who hide in plain sight, using monikers such as:  Philosophers, liberal Bible-denying “preachers”, university professors and administrators, teachers,  social workers, members of the print and electronic media, Hollywood and TV actors, Chambers of Commerce ‘glad-handers’, radical feminists, perverts of all stripes, wealthy and powerful business leaders, and, sadly, the worst kind of moonbat:  Politicians!

One of the worst of all historical (and hysterical) moonbats was Karl Marx, a true spawn of Satan who published his Communist Manifesto in 1848.  Marx was one of the originators of the modern era’s Clan of the Moonbats, and his evil tomes have been the cause of the deaths of untold millions of people from his time until the present, as the Moonbat “Brotherhood” decided that all those who refused to worship at the altar of repressive and “progressive” socialism needed to be eliminated from breathing air.  (That disgusting variety has already infested the U.S.!)

Recent history is replete with examples of evil and despicable moonbats flitting to and fro in our society, doing their best to spread their verbal “guano” on the heads of the unsuspecting and the gullible; always protecting their fellow moonbats in their endless quest to seek out and destroy all vestiges of constitutional government and traditional culture, all genuine non-government mandated human gestures of respect and concern for others, and all the wisdom from the past which was often gleaned after victorious physical or verbal battles of real patriots (American Eagles) with various members of the diseased Moonbat Clan.

Some U.S. presidents have been members of that reprobate flock.

Woodrow Wilson was surely one of them. A strong proponent of big government and internationalism,  he tried to dump his political “guano” on the heads of his countrymen via his support for the failed “League of Nations”, but pro-constitution Americans (anti-moonbat American Eagles) of that time would have none of it.  More recent presidents of the U.S. have also been members of the Moonbat Clan, such as Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton (including his wife, Hillary), and two of the chief members of the Moonbat Clan, Comrade Barak Obama and his wife, Michelle.  Moonbats all, without a doubt. (Both George Bushes masqueraded as conservative “American Eagles”, but were internationalist-minded moonbats in disguise—and STILL are). 

Flocks of moonbats have been poisoning our mental “air” and threatening our physical well being with their nasty “guano” of lies, threats, perversions, and perfidies for the past several decades.  Some of them are multi-billionaires like the funder of fascists, George Soros, the extreme anti-2nd Amendment Michael Bloomberg, the virulently “Never Trumper”, socialist Tom Steyer, and dangerous internationalists like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Micro-Soft’s Bill Gates, Google’s anti-conservative advocates of restricting free speech, co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin (who was born in Moscow), all moonbats who pretend to be “Kings of the World”, and who delight in dropping their visions of world change “guano”  on the heads of gullible Americans.

There are also gaggles of more extreme and violent moonbats that have contaminated our body politic in recent years.  Nasty ones like “Black Lives Matter”, who love to use racist violence and vulgarities to attack our local police forces; “peaceful” marches of often violent “million-this or that” moonbats who delight in verbal and sometimes physical attacks on their opponents and smashing and destroying the property of others; phony “anti-fascist” Fascist moonbats—known as the brain damaged ‘AntiFa’  flock,  who are violent deniers of free speech; moonbat adherents of the “religion of peace” who major in hateful rhetoric and forcing other people into acceptance of their fanaticism via threats, lies, and violence; and one of the most dangerous species of moonbat—government bureaucrats-- who use the power of their various agencies (and their virtual invisibility therein) to force Americans into accepting their Big Brother decrees which usually do nothing except increase governmental power and decrease the liberty of the law-abiding.

From this brief foray into the world of moonbats and the destruction they cause to freedom and constitutional government, it should be obvious to those of us who call ourselves Christians, Christian Patriots, Conservative Constitutionalists, or just plain “fed up with liberal Dumbocrat nonsense” Americans, that the genus, “moonbat”, is truly dangerous to the survival of human liberty, despite their usual “squeaks and clicks” to the contrary.  Moonbats are easily deceived, and love to spread their deceit to others.  They rarely can be dissuaded from their left wing progressivism—that virulent sickness caused by the aforementioned dangerous “Obamacoccus Stupidicus” virus that, in all of its historical manifestations,  has always been damaging to people’s liberties.  Let us trust that President Donald Trump has the fortitude and the courage to protect our nation from the scourge of hatred and mendacity perpetrated by moonbats.  And by all means, let us support his efforts to do so!  Judged from the virulent and aggressive hatred these disgusting mentally deranged moonbats show against our hard-pressed President, (as for example, in the hatred directed against him  because of his nomination, and the confirmation of, now Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh), he needs all the support we can give him.

One of the ways to support our President and spray the decontaminating “mists of truth” throughout our land is, for all American patriots and all who are concerned about the increasing leftist slide into repressive socialism that the members and leadership of The New Bolshevik Party (formerly the Democrat Party) have been foisting on all of us, to VOTE ONLY FOR REPUBLICANS in this year’s mid-term elections on November 6th, 2018.  Admittedly, some Republicans are “less Republican” than others, but with a Republican majority in both the House and Senate, our President can continue his efforts to resist the inroads of the moonbat clan, who have allied themselves with the “swamp dwelling slime” in The District of Criminals and Corruption and who spread their virulent “OS” virus over all of us through their disgusting Marxist “guano”.  RESIST THEM, my fellow Americans!  If you truly value the Constitutional liberties that we have always cherished, and that so many of our countrymen have died in the past to defend, DON’T EVER VOTE DEMOCRAT, because they are the PRO-MARXIST, ANTI-FREEDOM, ANTI-CONSTITUTION, ANTI-AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM PARTY!  Please remember this when you vote on Nov. 6th!



A native of Cleveland, Ohio W. H. (Bill) Lamb was graduated from Cleveland State University (Ohio) in 1960, and relocated to South Carolina in 1964.  For many years he was an Industrial Engineer, Chief Industrial Engineer, and plant manager in the steel, electronics, and apparel industries in Ohio, South Carolina, and Alabama. 

He is a long time student of both American history and ancient Egyptian history, and has long admired the stalwart people who founded the British colonies and pre-dynastic Egypt, two groups that left permanent marks on human civilization.

An avid and long time writer concentrating on political and cultural issues of concern to America’s Christian Patriot community, he was published in the Lancaster, S.C. “News” during the mid-to-late 1960’s and in Greenville’s “The Times Examiner” since 1999.   The late Christian Patriot, Col. Bobby Dill, was his first editor for The Times Examiner, the publication he always refers to as “a great journal of truth”.

Married to Barbara for 65 years, he has two adult kids, five grandkids, and six great grandkids, plus a “feisty and opinionated” 80 lb. Pit Lab named Hayley, who runs the entire house.

A long time member, with Barbara, of the patriotic John Birch Society, he believes that it is the duty of ALL Christians to first, share the love of his Savior, Jesus, with others, and then to be dedicated patriots and do everything possible to both resist the evil of collectivism that is smothering Western Civilization and educate and motivate his fellow Americans in the preservation of our unique Constitutional Republic.