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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:11 PM


First Published in 1994


Rank and file Democrats across the nation are worried. They are fearful that their party will lose the 2012 presidential election and the senate. You can see some of them on the liberal television networks and occasionally on FOX. They are almost in a state of panic.

The relatively small group of insiders close to President Barack Obama, however, are not worried at all. In fact they are a little cocky. Could we safely say they are downright arrogant? This group of advisers and czars are confident that their plan will bring victory at the polls or at least an illusion of victory.

Obama is catering to his core constituencies of  radical Socialists, Communists, Labor Union Bosses, Homosexuals, Latinos, and radical environmentalists as he engages in his campaign to pit his supporters against other Americans. He is taking one of his largest constituencies, Black Americans, for granted, because the Obama inner circle believe they can herd most of them to the polls when election time comes. They may be overconfident. A black Preacher reminded the Congressional Black Caucus recently that a growing number of Black Americans now have jobs and paychecks, homes and cars and “stuff,” and they don’t want to jeopardize their “stuff” by getting involved in controversy that could turn violent.

A major international crisis could be triggered in late September or early October as a distraction for voters from the important issues of the election.  This event would place the focus on the Commander – in – Chief and the White House and away from the Republican challenger. As election day nears, there will be demonstrations and riots in the streets to intimidate Republican voters and discourage them from voting for fear of encountering violence.

The Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus, during a recent interview with C-SPAN, hinted at the possibility of riots being triggered by a verdict in the Treyvon Martin case later this year.

It is expected that thousands of registration forms for illegal aliens, dead people, fictitious names, convicted felons and duplicate voters will be dumped on election commissions just prior to each state’s   deadline for registration to vote in the November 2012 General Election.

There will not be sufficient time for election officials to thoroughly examine the forms or verify questionable information on the forms. Fraud in the registration process is easy. And once an individual has a registration card or several registration cards, they can vote multiple times without a photo ID requirement.

Attorney General Eric Holder has blocked the photo ID requirement in South Carolina and other states, making voter fraud easy for the amateur thief.

This is how it works:  An organized group wants Joe to vote 5 times for Obama in the South Carolina Presidential Election. They turn in batches of registration applications. Joe is registered at an address of an Obama supporter in Greenville Precinct 5.  Using another name and address, he is registered in Simpsonville Precinct 1.  Another name may be used  in Greer and in Travelers Rest and Mauldin. On election day, Joe has 5 registration cards. He goes to the proper polling place and uses the appropriate card and moves on to the next precinct and votes again. He only has to show the card. The poll worker in a large precinct without voter photo ID never knows fraud has been committed.

Using the same technique, election workers can use Joe in several different counties and states, taking full advantage of early and absentee voting.

Attorney General Eric Holder and the U. S. Justice Department will have lawyers throughout the country to file lawsuits against any poll worker who discovers Joe is not who he says he is and accuses him of cheating. Any county election official bold enough to challenge or reject registration by illegal aliens, felons or dead people can be charged with violating their right to vote.

The state of Florida is currently locked in a court battle with the Justice Department because they want to take dead people and illegal aliens from their voter rolls.

It is predictable that the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to be given work permits will be registering to vote. Anyone interfering will be in trouble with the Obama Justice Department.

Anyone who thinks they are not planning to steal the election is not paying attention.