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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:15 PM


First Published in 1994


My eyes were glued to Fox News Thursday morning to hear the Supreme Court Decision on “Obamacare.” I was convinced that it would be partly or completely declared unconstitutional, because it is. The surprise decision came like a swift kick in the stomach. For a few moments, waves of anger punctuated by a feeling of nausea consumed me. How could this happen? What is happening to our country? The Supreme Court has given the federal government power never intended by the Founders or allowed by the Constitution.

What could we do? We can change the occupants of the White House and Senate in November if the people have the courage to stand against government-sponsored intimidation and blatant falsehoods. We can allow the current regime to consolidate its power over the next four years, and become slaves of a tyrannical government. By so doing we would permit the sacrifices of our Founders and ancestors to be squandered and future generations of Americans, including our grandchildren, to live in bondage or shed their blood to regain the freedom we lost.

Two hours later, I attended the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club Americanism Luncheon at the Poinsett Club. Club President Debbie Spaugh, with trembling voice announced that she hoped to get through the program without crying or screaming. The Academy of Arts in Taylors conducted the Americanism Program. Dr. Nikki Chavers stepped forward and delivered John Adams’ speech to Congress in support of the Declaration of Independence. He concluded:

“Sir, before God I believe the hour is come. My judgment approves this measure, and my whole heart is in it. All that I have and all that I am and all that I hope in this life, I am now ready here to stake upon it; and I leave off as I begun, that live or die, survive or perish, I am for the declaration. It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God it shall be my dying sentiment, independence, now, and independence forever!”

Patrick Henry followed John Adams in the program: “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Thursday evening, I attended the meeting of the Sons of Confederate Veterans at the Phoenix Inn. The speaker was Rob Chumley. His topic was the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.

By the end of my day, I was virtually ready to dust off my old green uniform that has been in the closet since July 1980 and live up to the oath of office I swore to uphold as a Commissioned Officer of the United States, February 16, 1956.

The oath was to “Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Hundreds of thousands of patriotic Americans who raised their right hand and took that oath have never been relieved of the responsibility they shouldered and are acutely aware of the dangers posed by domestic enemies of the Constitution.

If politicians and voters do their duty in November 2012 and the months following, drastic action may be avoided. Enemies of the Constitution fear a potential backlash. That is why they want to ban ownership of firearms.

Not since the days of Abraham Lincoln, who invaded the South and locked everyone up in the North who disagreed with him, has the United States experienced such a dictatorial White House. The President and his Attorney General have virtually declared war on states with whose laws they disagree. The President refuses to enforce federal laws with which he disagrees. The Attorney General has been held in Contempt of Congress and is using federal power to prevent states from resisting voter fraud.

In my view, the 2012 General Election is the last chance to get the federal government back on the constitutional track and avoid violence. We should do all in our power to alert voters to the urgent need to become informed and participate in the upcoming election. It is a matter of survival as a free people. Once lost, freedom is only regained through much sacrifice. If we do not have the knowledge and courage to protect it, we will not have what it takes to win it back.