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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:12 PM


First Published in 1994


Voters in the November 6, 2012, General Election have a serious challenge. More than ever before, they are faced with choosing a candidate for President of the United States in the absence of facts and in the presence of much misinformation. The campaign of the incumbent is based on pure fiction and must continue in that vein to have any hope of success.

The challenger apparently lacks the courage to expose the incumbent and his clearly demonstrated plan to destroy the constitutional republic envisioned and created by the Founders so he can transform the nation into a socialist dictatorship envisioned by the enemies of the Constitution of the United States. The timid Republican challenge is essentially that our candidate can do a better job than your candidate can.

The current Democrat Party controlled by Progressives, Socialists, Communists and Marxists, are experts in the art of mendacity. They have no requirement to be truthful and they are willing to use the full power of the United States government to enforce their views.  There is no way that Romney and Republicans, constrained by moral and ethical standards, can defeat them at the polls without exposing who the incumbent president is and what his ultimate goal for the people of the United States is.

In the absence of a hard-fought campaign by the Republican candidate, patriotic Americans interested in preserving freedom and liberty must seek truth from the many available sources. For almost two decades, The Times Examiner has been dedicated to providing the essential elements of truth to readers. There is no better authority on Obamacare (socialized medicine) than someone who has experienced its shortcomings. And there is no better source of truth regarding the evils and deception of Progressive Marxism or Nazi rule than someone who has seen these evil movements deceptively take over their nation and destroy it and its people.

This week we received a letter from a subscriber who currently resides in Florida. The letter is published in full on Page 6 of this issue. Her motivation in a note to the publisher follows;

“I was a Clemson resident until I recently moved to Sarasota, Florida. However, I continue to be an avid reader of the Examiner. As a native of England, I think I have a perspective on the Healthcare bill that might be unique and helpful to your readers.

“I had been mulling over the Supreme Court decision for days and felt I had to speak out. I am not a blogger, nor am I a writer, I sit at my easel all day and paint. This is the first time in my life that I have had the need to put something down on paper and it is wonderful to get it off my chest. I don’t think the public is aware of what this bill portends.”

She is so correct. There are thousands of individuals in Upstate South Carolina that have become so complacent and lazy that they don’t read and they make no effort to find truth and if they found it they couldn’t cope with the consequences. They typically depend on others to make the important decisions. These are the people who gave us the current corrupt government and are being counted upon to give them four more years. We must make every effort to expose them to truth.

During the 1950s, I served 3-years with the United States Army in Germany. Much of that time I worked with German Nationals in Bremerhaven. They were well-educated, intelligent people. “How could they have allowed someone like Adolph Hitler to take over their country?” I frequently asked.

“In the beginning, we thought he was wonderful – just what Germany needed. By the time we realized who he really was and what he was doing to our people and our country, it was too late,” was a typical answer.

Last year The Times Examiner was privileged to print a story by Kitty Werthmann titled After America, There is No Place to Go. Her experience, like that of Lucelle Raad, is a forecast of where our republic is headed unless we change directions while change is possible. The article is reprinted in this issue. A sample: “I believe that I am an eyewitness to history. I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. We elected him by a landslide – 98% of the vote. I’ve never read that in any American publications.”

Please pass the writings of these two women to your uninformed relatives, friends and neighbors. You can make a difference. Freedom is worth saving.