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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:18 PM


First Published in 1994


Regardless of the outcome of the presidential election, President Obama and his cabinet must be held accountable for the betrayal and abandonment of the American Ambassador and others in Benghazi, Libya.

This is a national security matter of the highest order. Americans in uniform have lost trust in their Commander-in-Chief and top civilian and military leaders. Cabinet members with the possible exception of the CIA are puppets of President Obama who put them in power.

For the first time in memory some members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chairman are puppets of the Obama agenda. There have always been members of the military who will sell their souls to advance their careers. President Obama has taken advantage of that weakness and moved the worst to the top.

Tragically, military senior officers have become the facilitators for the Obama Politically Correct Social Engineering agenda, and the junior officers, NCO’s and enlisted personnel are the victims.

Dr. Sam C. Holliday, a ’48 graduate of the U. S. Military Academy and a Retired U. S. Army Colonel with a doctorate in International Relations from the University of South Carolina discussed this problem in a recent piece published by The American Thinker.

Holiday asks: “Was it because of political correctness regarding Islam at the higher echelons of the military establishment” that explains the failure to deploy military assets to Benghazi within the first hour of a seven hour battle?

“Currently our political elite (including the top echelons of the military) and the foreign policy establishment — see Islam as ‘a noble religion, and a religion of peace.’”

“Today most military commanders – in the very top of the military establishment are selected (for promotion) because they are ‘team players,’ not because they are willing to ‘tell truth to power.’

The Obama version of history is that “We killed Osama, are pulling the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan because the ‘Terrorists are on the run’ and two wars are ending.”

Acknowledging an act of war: The attack on an American Embassy and murder of the Ambassador would not fit into the story of Obama success a few weeks before the presidential election. The decision was to “stonewall” until after the election with the help of the networks, AP, and the daily newspapers owned by conglomerates.

Should Republicans win both houses of congress and lose the presidency, impeachment would be in order. Should the election leave things as they are, the House must use subpoena power to produce the facts.

Regardless of the election outcome, the American people must insist that the facts be determined and those guilty of neglect, intentional treasonous acts and other crimes be prosecuted.

The greatest potential problem should Romney become President is that the Obama minions in the Senate will attempt to trade cooperation with the Republican President for promises not to investigate and expose the facts and prosecute the criminals.

President Clinton and Janet Reno were never held accountable for the murders in Waco. As a result, we are continuing to have Clinton influencing events in this country.

Many of the traitors and insurrectionists during the Vietnam War that gave aid and comfort to the enemy and committed crimes against the people of the United States were never held accountable. Now these enemies of the Constitution of the United States are running our government and most of the dominant media.

Military service members are losing confidence in their leaders, civilians are losing confidence in their elected leaders and the so-called “Justice System.” It is time to clean up the mess and demand honesty and integrity in our leaders again. Let it begin with you

and me!