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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:20 PM


First Published in 1994


We have been informed that President Barack Hussein Obama has won a second term as president of the United States. Joseph Farah and others insist that the election was won through voter fraud. There is much evidence to support that conclusion, however, that ignores the rest of the story. Many factors had a role in the Obama win.

Democrats and misguided Republicans place the blame for the GOP loss on failure of Republicans to identify with and cater to those of the black and brown races, homosexuals and single women seeking abortions and government provided birth control and other benefits. Their argument has some validity but is not the solution to GOP losses.

For at least thirty years, since the U. S. Department of Education was created by President Carter, government school students have been dumbed-down and indoctrinated. They have not been taught the original intent of the Constitution and how the government is supposed to work. They do not know the true history of the Founders. They have not been taught the true history of our republic. They have been indoctrinated in leftist, liberal thinking that degrades western civilization and American exceptionalism and demonizes American founders and heroes. They have been taught a politically correct revisionist history void of the role of Christianity in the founding and prosperity benefiting our republic greatly blessed by God.

Lacking a factual basis for decision making regarding the selection of candidates for powerful government positions, young voters must rely on their emotions and what they are told by their peers, professors, political operatives and the media. The Obama campaign operatives were masters at keeping a steady flow of information to young, impressionable, misguided voters.

Democrats have learned well from their leftist comrades. If they can control the education system, they can take over the nation in one generation and ignore the parents. Republicans at the national level and many at the state and local levels have ignored and failed to learn that important lesson.

Unless Christians and other conservatives get involved and change the public education system from indoctrination to education, Republicans will never again occupy the White House unless they become Democrat clones.

Governor Romney and his consultants are not blameless in the recent loss to Obama – neither is President Bush. Beware of those who claim Romney lost because he was too conservative. That is nonsense and propaganda from the other side. The truth is that the Romney campaign spent too much money and effort demonizing more conservative candidates and “turning off” conservative grass roots voters and not enough identifying who Barack Obama is and how he is destroying our republic, free enterprise system and national defense capability.

Obama defined Romney as a rich criminal tax cheat who hated people and didn’t care if they starved and died. Nice guy Romney never responded and was hesitant to say anything negative about Obama. Some observers think he wanted to lose.

Everyone who respects truth knows that Obama ran a vicious, lying, deceptive campaign. At the same time, Romney was repeating over and over that Obama was a nice man with a nice family who wanted to do well but did not know how to do it as well as Romney who had fixed the Olympics and governed Massachusetts. His campaign did not effectively respond to the lies repeated over and over for months falsely describing Romney. The lazy, ignorant, uninformed and misinformed, undecided voters, including some Republicans, accepted the falsehoods as truth and never knew the difference.

President George W. Bush is not blameless in this election loss. He never responded to false accusations and personal attacks during or after his presidency. That is why polls days before the election showed a majority of Americans believed the current economy is the fault of Bush, not Obama.

There is no excuse for the thousands of well-meaning voters who stayed home or threw their votes away.