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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:21 PM


First Published in 1994


Obama killed Osama, saved General Motors for the Auto Workers Union, gave homosexuals protected status, promised to legalize millions of illegal aliens, stonewalled Congress on “Fast and Furious” and “Bengazi,” sued sovereign states, ignored the Constitution and somehow won a second term as President of the United States.

Now the Obama Administration and supporters have advice for the moderate liberals running the National Republican Party. “To win future elections, you must become more like us.” The moderate Republicans are swallowing the bait as if they were mindless guppies. They are grateful that the Socialist Democrats are so friendly and helpful. Now, finally, they can work together and compromise to solve the nation’s problems and win a share of elections.

The Northeast moderate wing of the Republican Party viciously prevailed and reigned victorious over more conservative candidates in the Republican primary and nominated the former Governor of Massachusetts as their nominee to challenge incumbent, radical Socialist Democrat Barack Obama. After outspending and relentlessly attacking his more conservative opponents in the Republican primary, Governor Romney transformed into a mild-mannered gentleman who described his socialist Democrat opponent as a nice man who just did not know how to fix the economy. Romney rarely if ever responded to the lies and personal attacks by Obama. Nor did he articulate the position of his party on important issues as described in the Republican platform.

Mr. Obama has used his first term to add hundreds of thousands to the rolls of those individuals dependent upon government assistance. In effect, his administration was buying votes. After his general election loss, Governor Romney, the Republican candidate, observed that it is difficult to defeat Santa Clause.

If Republicans follow the advice of their Democrat opponents, they will split and ultimately destroy the Republican Party as currently constituted. The only hope for the Grand Old Party is to return to its conservative roots advocated and practiced by President Reagan and based on moral, ethical, constitutional government.

We must recognize the fact that all Republicans are not “Conservative.” This fact was demonstrated in the proceedings of the Platform and Rules Committees of the 2012 GOP National Convention. Most Southern Republicans share a very different heritage than their northern counterparts, and therefore view many issues differently. Working with those individuals, we need to work together on issues where there is mutual agreement, however, we must not compromise on issues that violate the Constitution of the United States, the Republican Party Platform or our values and ethics based on Christian principles.

Now that the Obama regime has another four years to further grow government and expand the welfare rolls and dependence on government, the liberal/Socialist propaganda machine is parroting the false line that Gov. Romney lost because the former Mass. Governor was too conservative.

The enemies of conservatism insist that for the Republicans to ever win another presidential election, they must move to the left, abandon Christian principles, expand social programs, cater to minorities and special interests, dismantle our national defense force, and embrace the Obama prescription for amnesty for illegal aliens.

“There they go again!” That is a recipe for disaster, and they know it.