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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:22 PM


First Published in 1994


Did voter fraud help Barack Obama win a second term as president of the United States? To me, the answer is a definite “Yes!”

Why would I say that? Can it be proven? Again, I believe the answer is “Yes!” The evidence I have seen without a formal search is overwhelming. All of the Obama special interest groups, from the NAACP to the ACLU and the labor unions fought every effort of states to prevent voter fraud. They were joined in their opposition to voter ID laws by none other than the Attorney General of the United States and the Justice Department.

Thousands of active duty military personnel were prevented from voting or their ballots were never counted due to suspicious glitches in the system. Some soldiers never received absentee ballots, others were not returned to the polls in time to be counted. Despite rhetoric to the contrary, military personnel were a known anti-Obama voting block that was neutralized, according to numerous reports.

Voter fraud is so pervasive that the full extent of cheating during the 2012 election will not be known for months or years, if ever. There were numerous indications of fraud in Ohio, but calls from the state attorney general to Eric Holder the United States Attorney General for help to purify the voter rolls without jeopardizing legitimate voters went unanswered.

Wood County had 109 registered voters for every 100 eligible for registration. Lawrence County had 104 percent of their eligible voters registered.

Obama won Michigan by 9 percent, yet Democrats lost many seats at he state level, as well as three ballot propositions.

Voter fraud is a felony in most if not all states. However it is rarely investigated and prosecuted. Fox News reported on voter fraud during the last two presidential elections. Prosecution is risky because lawyers for the Democrats respond with accusations of “voter suppression.” This tends to discourage prosecution of voter fraud.

Greenville County, South Carolina, has one of the fairest and professionally run voting systems found anywhere. Yet they have discovered attempts at voter fraud after elections are over.

After the General Election was over and the votes were counted 4-years ago, the county director of elections discovered 30 or 40 individuals who may have voted twice in Greenville County. Some were father and son with the same name, for example. After a thorough investigation, a dozen were found to be individuals who actually voted twice in the same General Election. Conway Belangia, the Greenville County Director of Elections said the information was reported to SLED.

There is no indication that can be found showing that any action was taken against the individuals who allegedly committed fraud.

The Times Examiner has initiated an inquiry to the office of the South Carolina Attorney General to determine if that office has a record of action being taken against individuals who allegedly voted twice in the same election four years ago.

Secretaries of State have an important role in elections. George Soros has allegedly spent millions in attempts to elect Democrats to the office of Secretary of State in key states to assist when elections are close.

Joseph Farah, founder, editor and CEO of WND said in a recent column that, “I am convinced that at least 5 percent of the Democratic vote can be attributed to fraud – illegal voters, illegal campaign contributions, rigged balloting, intimidation at the polls, you name it.”

Any honest observer must conclude that voter fraud had a role in the 2012 elections. If Republicans are to remain a viable political force, they must select morally and ethically sound conservative candidates. And if America is to remain free, we must clean up America’s political system and eliminate fraud in voting, or the republic is lost forever.