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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:22 PM


First Published in 1994


The United States Government has kept its citizens safe and maintained a strong position among nations by adopting the slogan, “Peace through Strength.” The current White House occupant is abandoning that philosophy, either intentionally or through extraordinary incompetence. It is more likely a combination of both. We should expect nothing more or less from an individual who was indoctrinated by and is currently surrounded and advised by turncoats and terrorists of the Vietnam War Era.

Many misinformed and misguided voters have become addicted to the promises of agenda-driven politicians who pledged that savings from national defense cuts would be redistributed to social programs and benefits for the those becoming impatient waiting for their share of the loot.

The current occupant of the White House and his minions are promoting the illusion that they can simply walk away and abandon the battlefield in the midst of warfare without penalty. They are keeping their “bring the troops home” promises to supporters, but their decisions regarding timing and trusting a sworn enemy are foolish, dangerous and will ultimately result in increased unnecessary danger, deaths and calamity for the republic.

The very thought that our government would remove all combat troops from Afghanistan and leave some non-combat troops and civilians there without adequate security is insane!

The method in which the administration departed Iraq without even a Status of Forces Agreement is resulting in a pending disaster, with Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood collecting the spoils earned by American blood.

Insiders are now observing that the greatest enemies of national defense, active troops and veterans are the political appointees, and hand-picked generals and admirals currently running the Department of Defense, commonly referred to by the dominant media as the “Pentagon.”

A disgraced former Republican senator has been nominated Secretary of Defense to dismantle the defense establishment as a loyal White House “hatchet man.” The plot is transparent. The White House prescribes the defense cuts. The loyal Defense Secretary carries out the cuts, saying they will not damage national security. When disaster strikes and they are proven wrong, the American people will react angrily. The alleged Republican Secretary of Defense and by extension, the Republican Party, will be blamed.

Vietnam War Navy turncoat John Kerry will apparently replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. What a disgrace! Kerry probably served the enemy cause more than did “Hanoi Jane” Fonda. At least she was a civilian. He allegedly shot himself in the toe to get an early release from combat duty. He returned to Washington, became a “Hippie” in uniform, throwing his ribbons over the White House fence and lying about fellow service members under oath before a senate committee. Not surprisingly, since that time he has represented the most liberal state in the union as a U. S. Senator. If approved by the senate, Kerry will be in charge of United States Foreign Policy as prescribed by the White House occupant.

The White House is giving glowing lip service to national defense capabilities and veterans benefits, while all the while planning to devastate support for active troops and veterans.

Why do we need privately funded organizations like the Wounded Warrior Project? They are necessary because the government officials, who sent these individuals to war to be severely injured, have not made provisions for required and promised medical care and rehabilitation. This is a national disgrace and will become more critical under an administration that “loathes” the military and all they stand for.

The United States must remain strong militarily above all else if we are to remain free in a dangerous world. Following the course set by the current White House occupant, our constitutional republic will be destroyed from within.

The unanswered question is, will patriotic Americans allow that to happen?