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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:16 PM


First Published in 1994


An unbelievably large segment of the American population has been deceived into thinking that no protection is the best protection for children in public schools and on college campuses. These vulnerable children have become the easiest prey for crazed killers who want to kill as many people as possible before help arrives in the form of guns in the hands of police officers.

Many school districts in South Carolina have at least assigned one uniformed officer to some schools. This is recognition of a need, but grossly inadequate to deal with the potential threat. The School District of Greenville County is seeking ways of enhancing security. They clearly have a need for a select few trained and tested armed school employees, in the schools every day, their identity known only to the principal and law enforcement officials. The knowledge that they exist and their identity secret would be a great deterrent to those who would harm children while on school property and away from parental protection. 

The leftist guidebook followed by the current regime in Washington is exploiting the “perfect crisis” needed for their “gun control” agenda. The leftists are using children as an excuse to take the first step in destroying the Second Amendment of the Constitution, the Amendment that allows citizens to successfully protect themselves and their property from criminals and tyrannical government. Americans have been free for more than two centuries due to the Second Amendment that provides protection for the entire bill of rights. The medicated, crazed killer, who killed his mother and took her unsecured guns to a gun-free school where innocent children and adult women were defenseless when confronted by any determined killer using any weapon from a crowbar to a gun. The killer was not stupid. His target was carefully chosen and his attack well executed.

For twenty minutes this video game addict and alleged worshiper of Satan had no opposition except the bare hands of teachers and administrators as he methodically snuffed the life from trapped first graders who had been left vulnerable by a well-meaning government school system. The people responsible for the protection of these children had the insane idea that the best defense against a crazed killer is to prohibit anyone on school grounds from possessing a defensive weapon with which to defend the children.

A careful review of President Obama’s announced 23 executive actions and calls for legislation reveals that none would have prevented or even deterred the massacre at the Connecticut elementary school. It appears to be a leftist list of government actions to harass and “punish” law-abiding gun owners.

Last week Rush Limbaugh suggested that Obama is practicing “revenge” and pushing people to “snap.” People are becoming very discouraged and very angry. Some observers believe that the regime in Washington want a “law-abiding” citizen, maybe a combat veteran, to “snap” and take drastic action giving the regime a reason to ratchet their gun control (grab) agenda up another notch.

It is important to remember that this is not about protecting children. Children are simply props being used and abused by power hungry politicians. This is about removing the single defense the American people have against government tyranny. The leftists who have taken over the Democrat party must disarm citizens if they are to perpetuate their fanatical desire for dictatorial rule against the will of the people.

“All of this is so in our face. Everything that people hold dear is under assault. Deliberately making people upset. This is not what Presidents do,” said Limbaugh.

Obama plans to drastically reduce law-abiding Americans’ access to guns. His executive plan would demand federal access to details of a transaction every time a father gives or sells a firearm to his son, daughter, relative or neighbor. This will form the basis for a national gun registry, Nazi/Commie style.

Who are the people for whom Obama seeks punishment and revenge? Limbaugh speculates that they are the people Obama referenced in a speech to Democrat “fat cats” in California, when he didn’t know he was being recorded.  They are the ones from small towns and rural areas who “cling to their guns and their Bibles.”

Depending on future events, the Obama gun agenda could be the greatest threat to the Constitution that many Americans are sworn to protect and defend, since the founding of the republic.