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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:15 PM


First Published in 1994


For the first time in my lifetime, citizens are afraid. They are angry, some are desperate and they are ready to take action. They are afraid of an increasingly dictatorial federal government, and angry because their elected officials in the South Carolina General Assembly appear unwilling to use the constitutional power of the state to protect the citizens.

Citizens were allegedly ridiculed and virtually ignored by members of a House committee recently when they attempted to convince committee members to support H-3101 Freedom of Healthcare Act. A second hearing has been promised.

A Day of Resistance has been declared in Greenville County. A “Protect Us Now Rally” is set for Saturday, February 23, at Greenville County Square from 10; 00 A.M. until 12:00 Noon. Sponsors of the protective legislation will be speaking along with other community leaders.

Charges of corruption are beginning to surface, and that could get ugly because legislative leaders are involved in some of the allegations. Several hospital and medical associations are lobbying against the bills to block Obamacare. That raises the question: Why? Why are they in favor of Obamacare that the majority of South Carolina citizens oppose? The possibility of corruption has been mentioned. Ethics violations are another matter being discussed. It is reported that Hospital and Medical Associations gave more than $250,000.00 to South Carolina House members in 2012.

The South Carolina Policy Council has filed a legal complaint against House Speaker Bobby Harrell with the South Carolina Attorney General. The Office of the Attorney General has asked that a SLED agent be assigned to investigate the matter that involves ethics. Ashley Landess, President of the South Carolina Policy Council filed the complaint with the Attorney General because there may be “inherent conflicts of interest by potential witnesses with respect to any initial Inquiry by the House Ethics Committee.”  In plain language, the House conducts its own ethics investigation and it is unlikely that the committee would find fault with the powerful speaker that controls their committee assignments and success of any legislation they may introduce.

Landess asked Attorney General Alan Wilson’s office to investigate whether Speaker Harrell:

1. Used his office for his financial benefit or that of his family business;

2. Used campaign funds for personal purposes;

3. Failed to maintain required records documenting his campaign expenditures;

4. Adequately itemized campaign reimbursements as required by state law; and

5. Violated state law by appointing his brother to a state judicial screening panel.

“We do not file this complaint lightly or without supporting documents,” Landess wrote in an accompanying letter to Wilson, Thursday, February 14th.

Bobby Harrell has been Speaker of the South Carolina House since 2005 with the departure of David Wilkins. His Charleston District has elected him to the House since 1993.

Harrell denies that he has done anything wrong.

There are additional alleged suspicions of corruption by powerful lawmakers in both the state House and Senate. Citizen groups frustrated with the lack of response to appeals for legislative action on critical issues such as Obamacare and gun issues have pledged to pursue ethics and criminal charges if that is the only means by which unethical and unresponsive lawmakers can be removed from office.

The Protect Us Now Rally is described as the most important gathering in Greenville in recent years. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and hear firsthand from people working in the trenches to protect the citizens of South Carolina from intrusive government.

Prayerfully, the increasing tension between citizens and lawmakers and government agencies can and will be settled peacefully.