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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:23 PM


First Published in 1994


Thomas Jefferson said, “Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.”

The first ten Amendments to the Constitution of the United States are called the “Bill of Rights.” the Tenth Amendment states: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

John Breckinridge, who sponsored the Resolutions in the Kentucky House opposing the unconstitutional Alien and Sedition Acts, argued that when the federal government passed laws that extended beyond its constitutional powers, the people at the state level ought “to make a legislative declaration that, being unconstitutional, they are therefore void and of no effect.”

Thomas Jefferson described nullification as the “rightful remedy” in situations where the federal government violates the Constitution.

Walter E. Williams, Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University and respected columnist whose column appears in The Times Examiner each week, stated recently that, “It turns out that at least two thirds of congressional spending is absent of any constitutional authority. That means that at the very least, it is going to take the vigorous use of nullification to restore the American republic.”

Virtually every Republican Party official and public office holder in South Carolina has vowed to oppose the unconstitutional provisions of Obamacare. Rep. Bill Chumley who represents parts of Spartanburg and Greenville Counties, has introduced a bill in the state house to nullify Obamacare in South Carolina. The bill has several sponsors from the Upstate and elsewhere, however, it is being opposed by key Republican lawmakers. It is currently in a committee chaired by Rep. Bruce Bannister. Citizens who appeared before the committee last week were not encouraged by their experience.

The Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee composed of representatives from every organized precinct in the county voted unanimously to support the bill and encourage the state party to also urge the South Carolina General Assembly to vote for nullification of Obamacare.. Recently the resolution was presented to the S. C. Republican Executive Committee composed of representatives from each county. The resolution failed to pass. A contributing factor was a position taken by Glenn McCall, one of two South Carolina members of the Republican National Committee. McCall advised the state committee to oppose the resolution because the use of the term “nullification” has a racist connotation.

Many of the delegates to the State Republican Convention who supported and voted for McCall are disappointed in the man who ran for the national office as a Christian Conservative. They are stunned that he would play the “politically correct race card” to help block opposition to an unconstitutional law.

Our nation is at a critical crossroad. The state government is the last line of defense to deal with these constitutional problems without the unthinkable possibility of resorting to violence to protect liberty. Lawmakers, who have financial or other interests that are influencing their decisions, need to realize that they are the final line of defense between freedom and tyranny and put the freedom of their families and constituents ahead of desire for personal power and wealth.

There is little doubt that the current regime in Washington, D. C. is determined to systematically register all gun owners in preparation for gun seizures. If current proposals are not stopped in Washington they must be stopped by nullification at the state level.

The New American recently interviewed Police Chief Mark Kessler from Pennsylvania. He wants to avoid almost certain violence if the government begins disarming law-abiding citizens. He has proposed a “Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance” which would prevent any federal or state infringements on the right to keep and bear firearms, accessories, or ammunition within the jurisdiction. If approved, the resolution, citing the U. S. and Pennsylvania Constitutions, would nullify any unconstitutional acts purporting to restrict gun rights.

Political correctness, the enemy within, is a violation of the First Amendment and is destroying the republic!