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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:26 AM


First Published in 1994


It’s wake-up time in America. For the first time since Federal troops were removed from the South Carolina State Capitol building in 1876, the United States government is at war with a large segment of the American People, including almost all but the hand-picked yes-men at the top of the military services. For the first time in recent history the Commander-in-Chief and the chain of command broke with long standing tradition and intentionally refused to go to the aid of Americans under siege. This is unforgivable and a serious blow to morale of an already demoralized military and CIA.

Prisoners held by the Communists in Hanoi held out and endured unspeakable torture with the knowledge that a grateful nation would eventually come to their aid. President Lyndon Johnson failed to do so, but the American people elected Richard Nixon and President Nixon brought them home to a heroes welcome with a state dinner at the White House.

Prisoners held by the regime in the American Embassy in Iran held out for months because they knew that eventually their countrymen would come to their rescue. President Carter advised by practitioners of witchcraft made one ill-advised miserable attempt at rescue. Carter failed. The American people elected Ronald Reagan and the day of his inauguration, the captives in Iran were released.

Despite months of misleading statements and outright mendacious statements by people in the Obama Administration, including Secretary of State Clinton and presidential spokesmen, sworn testimony before Congress last week made facts clear. Four Americans were murdered in Benghazi and intentional decisions were made by high level Administration officials not to send help, although help was available, trained and equipped for such an event.

It is a historical fact that the Clintons, both Bill and Hillary “loathe the military.” What is surprising is that in order to perpetuate an election year lie that Al-Qaeda was “on the run,” Mrs. Clinton was willing to betray her own Ambassador and abandon him to a horrible death at the hands of Islamic terrorists.

This betrayal of an Ambassador, an embassy employee, two former Navy SEALS and the wounding of dozens of others who were also abandoned is the worst possible message to send to troops risking their lives daily throughout the world. In this country, soldiers in uniform are targeted by terrorists whose murders are mischaracterized by the Commander-in-Chief as routine crimes or “workplace violence.”

Another battle in the warfare waged against the American people is that waged by the Internal Revenue Service against non-profit organizations with “tea party” or “patriot” in their titles. The progressive left accused the Nixon Administration of targeting people for audit by the IRS because of their political views or actions. Representatives of the IRS, under the Obama Administration, have already acknowledged that they were targeting conservative groups since as early as 2011.

Executives in this administration have proven by their words and actions that they will likely do whatever is necessary to stay in power and carry out their radical agenda. That means that the American people need to be on high alert for one or more serious incidents to distract attention from the Benghazi and IRS scandals.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and others are predicting that the current scandals are worse than Watergate and will end the Obama Administration.

The view of this column is that it will take grass roots pressure to hold this administration accountable and that the grass roots will remain ignorant, disinterested, misinformed and uninformed unless the dominant liberal media becomes involved and reports the truth. The ignorant masses watch the liberal media only and rarely read, even if they can.

The liberal media was sufficiently powerful to give the Communists victory in Vietnam despite their military defeat. They are much more open and evil now than they were then. Liberal politicians and so-called journalists become arrogant and nasty when they achieve success. That arrogance and nasty attitude could result in their self-destruction.