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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:23 AM


First Published in 1994


For several years now, this column has warned of the potential for tyrannical government gaining a foothold in the United States of America. Now in the second term of the Obama – Biden Administration we are getting a taste of tyranny that is destined to become much worse. We have “Fast and Furious,” Benghazi, using the IRS to persecute and punish Conservative organizations, using the military to promote the agenda of feminists, homosexuals and terrorists; Refusing to control the border with Mexico and enforce immigration laws; and support for persecution of Christians and Christian organizations.

In the first few days, weeks and months of the Obama Administration the traditional historical indications of tyrannical government began to appear. Before his election, the candidate made it clear that he was going to fundamentally transform the constitutional republic created by our Forefathers. He was the leader the radical left had been seeking for decades. (“I am the one we have been waiting for”). He had been trained and indoctrinated for the task. Former Sixties Radicals were in positions of power in the media, academia and government in order to insure a win in the presidential election and to carry out their agenda once their genetically and historically sanitized, ideologically indoctrinated “African-American” was in office.

The cabinet and other key offices were filled with Obama clones who had been indoctrinated in the methods advocated by Sol Alinsky in his book Rules for Radicals and taught by Obama and unrepentant Sixties terrorist Bill Ayers in Chicago and elsewhere.

The Obama political appointees and many others throughout the government are skilled in psychological methods of indoctrination, deception and mendacity. They sincerely believe that the United States Constitution, the Holy Bible and U. S. military dominance are sources of much of the evil in the world and must be undermined if their agenda is to be successfully completed. They have not defined what will result from their mischief, because they do not know. They arrogantly believe anything they bring about will be better than what the Founders created.

One of the unique strengths of the Obama Regime is that it is not necessary for Obama to issue written directives to cabinet members and other clones to carry out his agenda. They know what it is and all they have to do is follow the Rules for Radicals with which they are well trained. The same thing goes for radicals within the bureaucracy; they can act in unison without getting out of step. They can also lie to protect each other without leaving a paper trail.

They also have several weaknesses that could eventually bring about their downfall and inability to achieve the complete destruction of our constitutional republic. One of the greatest weaknesses is that they have no other skills. They don’t understand the free enterprise system. They only know how to dismantle, undermine and destroy it. They know nothing about national defense. It is unimportant to them and in their leftist belief system, the defense establishment wastes money that should be redistributed to their misguided but dedicated followers as payoff for their role in the election of Obama and transforming the republic.

Another potential weakness is that they are extremely arrogant and sometimes overconfident. This is the typical mindset of liberal, socialist progressives, made worse by their incredible success at deceiving a large segment of the American people and having access to the unlimited funds and power of the federal government.

Routine lying is a serious long-range weakness for this regime, although it is considered a necessary ingredient of the Alinsky Rules for Radicals. The truth will eventually surface if grass roots Americans persist and avoid procrastination. In a graduation speech last week at Ohio State University, Obama was on the defensive: “They’ll warn you that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices,” he advised the young adults.

Finally, this is a very anti-God and especially anti-Christian Administration. They view themselves as being gods and the government their savior. Like their mentor Alinsky, they have allied themselves with Lucifer and against their Creator and all-powerful God. God can change their fortunes in a twinkling of an eye. That should be our prayer now that we have had a taste of tyranny.