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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:23 AM


First Published in 1994


In times gone by, a large number of people were blessed with a quality that in those days was loosely called “common horse sense.” In essence, they had the ability to distinguish good from evil and the “sense” to “flee from evil,” and defend and preserve those things that were good. Sadly, that quality is lacking today in the typical man or woman “on the streets” of the United States of America, even in the so-called “Bible Belt.” Tragically, it is virtually absent in the affairs of government, business, and academia. It is frightening to note that common sense and discernment appears to be fading from the scene in the modern church. 

There are those who believe that “common sense” is not a secular human trait at all, but is a spiritual thing – a gift From God known as “spiritual discernment” provided by the Holy Spirit residing in the true believer. That could explain why it is so rare in public life ruled by the religion of Secularism in the absence of God and His Holy Spirit.

It has become common practice for every manner of humanity with political ambition to describe themselves as “conservative” in order to deceive voters and get elected to public office. It is almost as common for individuals and organizations to adopt the “Christian” label in order to enhance their image and standing in business, social, financial or political circles.

We are living in an age of deception and blatant lies. Sunday afternoon, Chris Wallace asked former Vice President Dick Cheney what his reaction was to a recent statement by President Barack Obama. Without hesitation, Cheney responded: “I don’t believe anything he says. He has no credibility.” It is painful to acknowledge that Cheney is right, and Americans will pay a price for our collective lack of common sense and discernment during two recent presidential elections.

I believe there is such a thing as good and evil, and that Satan (Lucifer) is the author of lies and deception. When God is banned from the public square, Lucifer and his followers have their way. Hence the current condition of our constitutional republic.

I appeal for the indulgence of regular readers of this column. This is not new to you, however, there are many of our relatives, neighbors and church leaders who are ignorant, uninformed, misinformed and deceived by those who would take their freedom away and enslave them. Some are even unwittingly helping to destroy our republic. We must attempt to reach them with the truth.

We know that the President and his advisors are students and followers of Saul Alinsky, the Sixties radical who wrote the book Rules for Radicals that is being meticulously followed by the President. This administration may not have a clue how to run a country, but they know how to follow Alinsky’s instructions and destroy everything that has made this country great.

On the first page of Alinsky’s book, that Obama taught from in Chicago for several years, Alinsky praised Lucifer as “the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom.” He fails to note that the kingdom is known as “hell,” and that is what is being created in this country.

The Alinsky radicals really believe that “We can create a new-world. Through our political power we can make a new race of men and women who will live in harmony and peace and according to the principles of social justice. We can be as gods.”

David Horowitz, whose parents were card-carrying Communists and called themselves “Progressives,” concluded that: “This, in a nutshell, is why conservatives are conservative and why radicals are dangerous. Because conservatives pay attention to the consequences of actions, including their own, and radicals don’t.”

Horowitz concludes that: “One kind of hell or another is what radicalism has in fact achieved since the beginning of the modern age when it conducted the first modern genocide during the French Revolution.

“The left’s campaign to build a welfare utopia under the umbrella of the ‘Great Society’ destroyed the inner city black family, spawned millions of fatherless black children, and created intractable poverty and a violent underclass which is still with us today.”

Obamacare and amnesty for illegal aliens are the final nails in the coffin of our freedom and the last installment on the radical vision of paradise that will be “hell on earth.”

Will the church discern good from evil?