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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:22 AM


First Published in 1994


Presidential candidate Obama informed his followers that: “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” He promised that: “We will transform” America. Now we should know what he was talking about. During the past four years and a half, he has systematically dismantled portions of the free enterprise system, disregarded the Constitution, began the systematic destruction of the military, attacked Christianity and favored Islamic extremists and criminals at home and abroad.

During the next few weeks, the Obama administration and their allies will attempt to push through an  “immigration reform” bill that will give the President an opening to allow those who entered the country illegally permission to vote in the next two critical elections. Eleven to thirty million more Democrat voters, strategically located, will give radical socialists total control of the United States Government and a license to implement fully the radical socialist agenda giving government bureaucrats total control of every aspect of American life.

The bill, credited to the “Gang of Eight,” including Senators Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham, will most certainly pass the Senate with the solid support of Democrats and a few Republicans. Sen. Ted Cruse and other conservative senators are confident the Senate bill will not pass the House. That will not end the danger.

A maximum effort is being made to threaten; bribe or otherwise pressure House Republicans to vote with the Pelosi led Democrats to pass some kind of bill that can be called bi-partisan. If House Republicans are able to hold the line on the Senate bill and pass one of their own suitable to conservatives, there will be a conference committee appointed by the House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader. The Speaker could stack the House conference members with people supporting the Senate amnesty bill. Either way, the conference will likely agree to a bill. A coalition in the House will pass what comes out of conference, and President Obama will sign it into law.

Regardless of the provisions of the bill, Obama will implement only those parts that further his agenda. He will ignore the other provisions of the law he signs. In addition, he will implement the remainder of amnesty implementation and voting rights with regulations, Executive Orders or Court Rulings. Should that happen, and it is likely, it will spell the end of the Republican Party as a factor in national politics.

Amnesty and voting rights for those entering the country illegally and those individuals staying beyond the legal limits of their visas is the Obama third wave necessary for a permanent socialist dictatorship.

“Big Tent Republicans” are blinded by their hatred for conservatives, Christians and average citizens who are part of the Tea Party movement to the extent that they become easy prey for the leftist Democrats who view them as useful fools. Liberal Democrats have become so successful at controlling the votes of black voters that Liberal Republicans have developed their own Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton types to control those Republican church members who will volunteer to be obedient sheep and follow the leader to their own detriment.

The first wave was Obamacare and government control of medicine and every aspect of medical care. It is being implemented with the assistance of many Republicans, who have abandoned their values and constituents for a chance to share in the Obama “cash stash.”

The second wave was “disarming the citizens.” Progress is slow, but if Democrats are able to take control of the House of Representatives with illegal alien votes, most law-abiding citizens will give up their guns or find themselves in serious legal trouble.

The third wave is amnesty for everyone who entered the country illegally, giving forgiven illegal aliens the ability to bring all their relatives, and leaving the borders open for a flood of others from around the world to enter. This is good strategy for the Democrats, labor unions, and labor-intense corporations including large farms that need unskilled “cheap” seasonal laborers.

The first victims of an amnesty law would be unskilled young black Americans. Most employers consider Hispanics to be harder workers, more dependable and causing less trouble. The proposed law also provides incentives for employers to hire the new “legalized” workers. Fasten your seat belts for the third wave. It will be vicious.