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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:20 AM


First Published in 1994


President Obama now has his summer distraction from all the scandals from Benghazi to the IRS as well as the “Gang of Eight’ Amnesty bill that he wants to pass and sign into law this summer. Civil unrest agitators from Occupy Wall Street and Black Panthers to the NAACP are gearing up to take to the streets and frighten Americans into accepting anything they are promised by politicians. They will be told acceptance will be necessary in order to have peace again in the streets, schools, businesses and elsewhere.  For the agitators, the price of peace is the death of George Zimmerman or seeing him locked away forever with no chance for parole.

The tactic will work on most of those who were fooled by Obama during two election cycles. Very few of this uninformed, misinformed or simply ignorant group has gone to the trouble to seek truth for the basis of their political decisions. The self-proclaimed “moderates” and “independents” among us who depend on others to do the “heavy lifting” will simply stick their heads in the sand and stop reading and voting. This group is growing. That encourages all enemies of the U. S. Constitution, foreign and domestic.

False prophets have infiltrated church organizations and are splitting normally conservative church groups into factions. These Pseudo Christians and their George Soros style handlers have determined that many white church goers can be manipulated and controlled using the same methods that have been used to successfully control, manipulate and use black church members against their best interests for more than a century.

A few black citizens have become wise and are coming out from among them. However, white church members have become very tolerant of what was once called and still is “sin,” and without Christian discernment, they are easily deceived.

Despite all of the biased and illegal actions by the federal and state governments, months of trials in the liberal media and a malicious prosecution, a jury of 6 women meticulously examined the evidence and found George Zimmerman “not-guilty” of Second Degree Murder or Manslaughter of Trayvon Martin.

Only Oakland, California, permitted riots that resulted in property destruction on the evening of the verdict. Following cues from the President, Harry Reed and Eric Holder’s Justice Department, agitators across the nation on Sunday began gearing up for demonstrations demanding revenge for the tragic death of Martin.

The Justice Department will now attempt to bring a federal civil rights case against Zimmerman despite the verdict of “Not Guilty” in the murder case. These actions of revenge will likely force Zimmerman attorneys to file a Malicious Prosecution charge against the State of Florida.

Liberal network affiliate television outlets are parroting the bias on their networks. The NBC affiliate in Greenville on Sunday night gave approximately five minutes coverage to the small group of demonstrators screaming through bull horns at the Peace Center in Greenville, demanding “justice.” There was no mention of the fact that there had been a lengthy trial and that a jury had rendered justice. That should be the end of the story. The Constitution protects against “double Jeopardy,” however, the current administration is not fond of the Constitution or existing laws they don’t like. Zimmerman can’t be tried again for murder or manslaughter, but the family of Martin will likely sue Zimmerman for “wrongful death” and the Justice Department under Obama and Holder will certainly attempt to make a case that Zimmerman violated Martin’s civil rights. The government seems to have no interest in criminal charging against those who have publicly called for the murder of Zimmerman, a young man who will be in fear for his life for the remainder of his life.

President Obama could have exhibited some unbiased leadership and with a few words prevented the unfortunate destructive events that are likely to take place this summer. Tragically he did not do so, and indirectly encouraged problems.

All indications are that someone pulling the strings is attempting to incite a race war in this country. That would ultimately result in civil war, Martial Law and suspension of elections. We must pray that does not happen. But it is certain we are in for a long hot summer of distraction.