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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:23 AM


First Published in 1994


A verdict in the trial of Neighborhood Watchman George Zimmerman is expected in the next few days. The prosecution has already made its somewhat weak case against Zimmerman who is charged with second degree Murder of Trayvon Martin, and the defense has begun to call witnesses. A verdict could come as early as this weekend.

There have been predictions for months that the Al Sharpton types who have become wealthy and powerful from racial strife will encourage activity (rioting) in the streets if Zimmerman is acquitted or found guilty of a lesser charge. There is also speculation that some in the Obama administration would favor a racial incident this summer to take public attention away from the multiple scandals plaguing the administration, and perhaps justify implementation of some measure of Martial Law. Many in law enforcement have been preparing for riots this summer; they just don’t know what would be the ultimate event that would trigger the acts.

You will recall that the police who responded to the scene of the altercation that resulted in the death of Trayvon Martin ruled that his death resulted from self-defense based on testimony, injuries to Zimmerman and other evidence. Outside agitators, members of Congress and even the President of the United States became involved verbally in the case and eventually the angry voices demanded a charge of murder, and Zimmerman who was free, was arrested and charged with Murder.

The liberal media edited statements from a 911 call in an effort to make Zimmerman appear to be a “racist.” The media insisted on referring to Zimmerman as “white” hence a “white on black crime.” The truth is that Zimmerman, like the President, is bi-racial. His mother is Hispanic.

Most of the photos of Martin shown on television were made when he was 12 years old. Trayvon Martin was17 years of age at the time of the incident. The defense, if allowed to do so by the judge, may bring this out in testimony.

The police chief whose officers had conducted the investigation and ruled the case self-defense, resigned and the local prosecutor that would normally prosecute the case if it went to trial was replaced by an attorney hand-picked by the state of Florida.

The new Sanford, Florida, police chief is black and the judge is a woman. The jury is all women. Martin’s mother is black, Zimmerman’s mother is Hispanic. Each identified the screams on the 911 tape the voice of their son.

Sanford police are so concerned about violence that they are going door to door pleading with residents to remain calm regardless of the jury verdict. They have no assurances that the residents will heed their request. Their greatest concern, according to public statements, is that outside groups will converge on the city and precipitate riots.

Crimefilenews.com is predicting widespread rioting, according to WND.com.

“The George Zimmerman trial here has thousands of African-Americans getting ready for some serious bloodletting. I don’t want to make idle and dire predictions but this nation has never been so divided and racially sensitive… Our African-American president took sides on this case at the very beginning. That ratified a George Zimmerman guilty verdict in the minds of millions.”

Some observers are concerned that a Zimmerman acquittal could trigger a reaction similar to that when a Simi Valley, California, jury acquitted members of the LAPD in the Rodney King beating case 20 years ago. Those riots resulted in indiscriminate attacks on white citizens, destruction of private property and widespread looting.

Hopefully, justice will be served and, regardless of the verdict, people who are upset with the verdict will act responsible and not organize into unruly mobs. Citizens across the country, especially city residents, might consider updating their emergency supply kits just in case commerce is disrupted, even for a few days, due to riots and looting.

The jury has a tough job and their lives may be in jeopardy if the verdict does not satisfy the mob. Will Zimmerman get a fair trial? Time will tell.