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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:26 AM


First Published in 1994


The lack of interest in government by many Americans is appalling and may ultimately result in the collapse of our society and put us on the same economic level as India and Egypt. Sadly, an important segment of our society that was once the backbone of our republic is now suffering from white guilt, ignorance and voter apathy.

If you want to become depressed, just ask the next ten people you meet on the street, in a business, or in your church congregation a few questions about their government at the federal, state or local level. Unless the individuals are Times Examiner readers, WORD radio or FOX news listeners and viewers, they will be ignorant of current government related events, severely misinformed or totally disinterested. The largest group seems to be the disinterested; who by choice are both ignorant and misinformed. They were a deciding factor in electing Barack Obama to a second term because they stayed home on Election Day.

In days not long ago past, Christian church members were a strong moral and political force in this nation, particularly in the South. Sadly that is no longer the case.

Community organizer supporters of Islam, New Age, One World Government and Religion, Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, same sex marriage and dozens of “false gods” have infiltrated quite a few churches and forced a change in their focus from the Great Commission to social change advocacy. Too many church congregations have departed from the Holy Bible and sought after fads, such as multiculturalism, environmentalism, socialism, and worldly music to conform to a degenerate world in order to appeal to secular youth and financially influential individuals with an agenda contrary to the Great Commission. When they reject the one whose name they use to describe themselves, and God is unwelcome in some of His churches, can they now expect Him to hear their prayers and bless them and their nation? I think not.

Many of our countrymen suffer from “white guilt.” They have been convinced that they must support Barack Obama regardless of whether he is right or wrong. After all, it is his turn to serve as the first “African-American” president. If they can’t support him, they will just “drop out of the system.” They strangely believe they must suffer to compensate for past injustices perpetrated by the white race.

How can anyone get the apathetic and ignorant citizens to pay attention long enough to become informed and equipped with some factual information upon which to base sound decisions? Some of these people simply don’t want to know. They literally live the overused cliché “Ignorance is Bliss.” If they knew that police or foreign troops might some day knock down their door and haul them away to labor or “reeducation” camps, it would worry them. They don’t want to worry and prefer to use the excuse: “I’m just waiting for the Lord to come.” While they wait, Satan is having a field day taking their friends, neighbors and their children, grand children and future generations, and destroying their lives with drugs, alcohol and criminal acts.

We could get the apathetic and ignorant friends engaged in a discussion of a topic and hand them a copy of The Times Examiner with an article or opinion column on the subject and suggest they read it.

We can encourage them to listen to a particular talk radio or Fox News program. Harry Kibler and “Conservative Voice” on FM 106.3 at 6 p.m. on Saturday might be a good choice.

We can invite them to be our guest at the next RINO Hunt meeting, Greenville County Taxpayers, or Americans for Constitutional Government meeting.

These uninformed disinterested people will become interested and angry when they are devastated personally and it is too late to do anything but comply. The excuse then will be: “Why didn’t someone warn me? I didn’t see anything on television news about this coming.”

Our motivation should be to personally attempt to inform as many as possible of the dangers ahead and their need to become informed and involved, then we can truthfully say: “We tried to inform you and you wouldn’t listen.”