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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:25 AM


First Published in 1994


Best-selling author and syndicated radio host Mark Levin recently coined the phrase “French Republicans” to describe those Republican leaders at the RNC, in Congress and state legislatures who are anxious to surrender at the first sign of opposition. Their only commitment is to use and abuse their conservative base that they take for granted and without which they would win no national elections and achieve virtually nothing worthwhile.

A revealing statement by a federal judge last Wednesday in a Spartanburg Federal Courtroom exposed the devious work of “French” Republicans in South Carolina. Unfortunately, local citizens who depend on the liberal media for their local, state and national news reports know nothing about this exposure of South Carolina Republican Party officials.

Most native South Carolinians had parents or grandparents who were Democrats. No one can dispute the fact that Democrats are masterful politicians and at times ruthless rulers. When the people of South Carolina, who had been ruled by Democrats since 1876, decided to opt for two-party rule, the ruling party ensured that the legislature would retain all the meaningful powers of government, and that Republicans would not be allowed to select their own candidates to challenge Democrats. South Carolina would have open primaries and any registered voter could help pick the party candidates.

Several years ago, a plank was placed in the state Republican Platform calling for registration by party and closed primaries. Each year a bill to solve the problem was introduced and blocked by the Republican controlled legislature. Three years ago, the Greenville County GOP Executive Committee voted to ask the federal court to strike down the unconstitutional state law that prohibits private political parties from selecting their own candidates without involvement of their political opponents. The state party joined in the lawsuit, although two Greenville County Attorneys assumed all the work and cost for the party.

A few weeks before the case was to be heard and the day before resigning his position as chairman of the S.C. GOP and taking a paid position with the RNC, Chad Connelly, without coordinating with anyone in the Greenville County Republican Party, withdrew the state party from the lawsuit. His action ensured facts supporting the case would not be heard by the court and revealing facts supporting the case would not become public record.

The judge refused to hear the case and announced that since the state party withdrew from the case, Greenville County had no standing to bring a suit.

One man in a key Republican position was able to single-handedly destroy years of legal preparation and the hopes of South Carolina Republicans passing any meaningful conservative legislation in the foreseeable future. More importantly, it seriously damages the credibility of the South Carolina Republican Party in the eyes of the public.

For decades, outsiders have mistaken the kindness and hospitality of Southerners to be a sign of weakness and ignorance. As the Palmetto State has become more diverse, cosmopolitan, and socially tolerant, the “enemy within” has exploited the hospitality and tolerance of those clinging to southern customs and Christian family values.

When Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas, techniques to deceive Bible believing Christian students were tested in the Clinton Governor’s School. One of the liberal professors teaching in the summer “brainwashing” program for “gifted” students was being challenged daily by his students when he discussed leftist, atheistic ideas he was assigned to present to the students.

One day the liberal professor entered the teacher’s break room laughing and slapping his leg with his hand. “It worked. It worked!” he said happily. “I came to the classroom today with a Bible in my hand and placed it prominently on my desk and the students didn’t question a thing I said all day.”

For decades, creative politicians and political consultants have used similar techniques to deceive conservative Republicans. They have been especially successful in South Carolina, where the Democrat-controlled “Good old Boy” government has survived for decades after voters thought they had installed a conservative Republican-controlled government. They campaign as conservative Republicans on a conservative Republican platform and vote with liberal Democrats.