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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:23 AM


First Published in 1994


Much of the nation acted surprised Saturday when President Obama “chickened” out on his “red line” threat to take action against Syria for using nerve gas on Syrian citizens. After his “about face” announcement, Obama retreated to safety of the golf course with “uncle Joe” and pitched the “hot potato” of dealing with his “red line” threat to an out of session Congress that won’t return to Washington until September 9th. It is not at all clear what action Congress will take. Regardless, it was a brilliant political move and escape strategy by an administration and president with a schizophrenic foreign policy that has painted itself in a corner with words that they can’t back up with deeds.

Lobbing missiles into any sovereign nation for any reason is clearly an act of war. Syria is a sovereign nation that may have more allies than the United States under President Obama. Based on the president’s actions, his only real ally in the region other than Israel may be the Muslim Brotherhood that is determined to kill us and destroy our republic.

Any rational observer must assume that Syria or its allies will retaliate against the United States and our allies should we initiate missile attacks on Syria. It is not likely that the Congress will vote to support such an action under the current circumstances.

President Obama and his Vietnam War coward and turncoat Secretary of State John Kerry have insisted that the president does not need congressional approval to attack Syria. However, by his actions, he proves that he does not have the political courage to do so without having someone to be the scapegoat in case his scheme backfires and results in a widened war, which is very likely.

As more than one retired general and colonel have reminded the nation on television, “When you initiate warfare, the enemy has a vote.” The Communist leaders of both Russia and China have threatened Obama with retaliation should he carry out his threats to attack targets in Syria. A high-level Russian government official has gone so far as to describe our current president as being as dangerous and unpredictable as a “monkey with a hand grenade.” Now that is insulting.

Let us not forget the Iranians. They have threatened to rain down missiles on Israel should we attack Syria. But the most dangerous and dedicated enemy is the President’s cherished friends, the Moslem Brotherhood, who are poised to kill Americans throughout the world and throughout this country.

The anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center is coming up on September 11. That is a little more than a week away. We must be prepared for surprise attacks at that time.

The most tragic part of this saber rattling story is going unnoticed. The Armed Forces of the United States are being eviscerated by the Obama Administration. As a nation, we are not prepared financially, militarily or politically to take on another war. The people running the government know nothing about warfare and are constantly undermining our military forces and the lives of our people in uniform by telling the enemy in advance what we are planning to do. This betrayal of our service members is a criminal act and under some circumstances could be termed treasonous.

Use of the military for social experimentation and the drawing out of two or more wars for more than a decade without a winning strategy is raising havoc with military culture and traditions. Most of the unnecessary stress has been initiated by the Obama administration during the past 5 years.

One of the symptoms of this increased stress is that suicides in the military are on the increase, now outnumbering combat deaths. The number of military suicides has increased each year under the current Commander-in-Chief. The suicide rate in 2012 was almost one a day with 349 servicemembers dead by suicide in 2012, up from 301 in 2011. Suicides by military veterans are even higher than active duty personnel.  A veteran commits suicide in the United States every 80 minutes. Military veterans make up only about 1 percent of the current U. S. population, but commit 20 percent of the suicides. Congress needs to consider all of this when contemplating supporting a military action that does not involve our national interest and has no clear objective.