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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:15 AM


First Published in 1994


The year 2013 has been a virtual nightmare for many Americans. Most Americans are seeing their standard of living shrink and the prospects of a dismal uncertain future. The “Affordable Health Care Act” is destroying the best health care system the world has known and there seems to be no real will to reverse it.

Military families are being torn apart by frequent combat tours and social experiments imposed by the current administration that does not understand nor do they care about the men and women who defend the nation with their lives.

Christians are experiencing unprecedented discrimination never before seen in the republic. Much of the discrimination comes from or is tolerated by the government. This is extremely frightening, and most clergy appear afraid to protest and possibly jeopardize their standing with the Internal Revenue Service.

Our ancestors in the Bible Belt would never have envisioned a time when men in the pulpits of America would fear government and men more than they fear God. May the Lord be merciful to Christian leaders who lack the courage to take a stand for their Savior and for the flock they are pledged to shepherd.

Parents are bothered by the rampant increase in perversion, decreased value placed on human life, and worry about the future of their children and grandchildren.

At the same time, “strap hangers” of the Obama Administration and the recipients of the redistribution of wealth are “living it up” at the expense of the working taxpayers, as if “there were no tomorrow.” Progressives and other leftists in the Administration and Congress are ignoring the current leadership of the Republican Party that has imposed its dictatorial will from the top down and has joined forces with the Democrat left to demonize the grass roots conservatives they both fear more than each other.

There is hope, at the grass roots working family level, that both the Democrat and Republican parties will be ignored. It is hoped that men and women of good will who cherish freedom and are willing to sacrifice to preserve it will elect candidates to Congress next November who will go to Washington and do what they promised to do during their election campaign.

There are many Christian prayer warriors praying that Black Christians, who have been controlled, used and abused by liberal Democrats for a century, will shake off their psychological chains, dispense with the bondage enforced by modern day plantation foremen with titles of clergy, and participate in the political process as free and independent Americans.

There are an increasing number of excellent role models. We could begin with Iraq War hero and former Congressman, Lieutenant Colonel Allen West and Dr. Ben Carson. With support of men and women of good will, both could be contenders in the next presidential election. Both were born in the segregated south and rose above their situation and have experienced the American Dream on their own initiative. These men are role models for children of all races and creeds.

Providing the Administration will support and abide by free elections and with the help of our all-powerful God, the future could once again be bright.

The Obama Administration is buried in accusations of corruption and lying as an accepted method of operations. It is quite apparent that they have no intentions of yielding power to anyone that disagrees with their progressive policies, destruction of the Free Enterprise system and redistribution of the people’s wealth.

Following the patterns that gave Hitler absolute power over the German people, President Obama is forming partnerships with businesses and other important groups that have a price for which they will sell their loyalty and support. He is purging the military in order to ensure their loyalty in the event martial law is declared. There is a growing lack of respect for law by government officials and, if that continues, it will spread to the general population.

A real or perceived terrorist attack or riots in the street prompted by a racial or workplace incident would give the President justification under current Executive Orders to declare martial law and suspend elections and freedom as we have known it.

That could lead to a real civil war and death and destruction not experienced on American soil since 1865.

Happy New Year!