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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:16 AM


First Published in 1994


Allowing Barack Obama to control both houses of congress with two years unlimited power to dismantle everything good about our nation is unthinkable. If the republic is to survive, Republicans must retain control of the House and gain control of the Senate. Only then can the reckless but calculated disregard for the Constitution and ruthless abuse of the God-given rights of American citizens be constrained.

Replacing liberal Democrats with the same ilk simply because they have an “R” behind their name would be even worse than keeping the current crop of Democrats in office. The “R” has become virtually meaningless in other parts of the country and even in South Carolina where, by law, Democrats may participate in Republican primaries and help select Republican candidates to participate in General Elections. Some lawmakers with an “R” behind their name support this insane law.

Just as black voters blindly support liberal Democrats to their own detriment, white Republicans tend to support those candidates with an “R” behind their name without question. That is how both groups give us bad government. If government is to become more accountable to constituents, voters must look at voting records, character, honesty and truthfulness.

The 2014 election year will be a critical one for the Republican Party and the republic. The old guard, establishment, moderate, RINO, Northeast, Rockefeller wing of the GOP is using its wealth, and political muscle in a desperate attempt to survive by destroying their perceived enemy, the activist conservative base of the party. They fail to recognize that these were the people that won numerous victories for the GOP in 2010 and without which they will not win in 2014 and 2016.

At present the establishment moderates are firmly in control of the RNC, the national party apparatus and congressional leadership. Their control of congressional leadership is several layers deep. For example, replacement of the current House Speaker, Mr. Bonier, would likely bring up Mr. Cantor, who is no better and could be worse. A similar situation exists in the Senate.

The only hope to break this chokehold on congressional power that too often is willing to compromise with Progressive liberal Democrats can only be changed at the ballot box. Moderate Republicans view the Conservative, Tea Party Republicans as the enemy that must be destroyed by whatever means possible so that they can hold their positions of influence, power and financial advantage. Establishment Republicans are frequently eager to compromise with Democrats, receive favored treatment by the liberal media and continue to be reelected by the deceived people back home.

In an attempt to control grass roots organizations within the Republican Party, the national leadership has forced the establishment of a top down dictatorial party organization. This strategy, patterned after the Obama stated method of rewarding friends financially and otherwise, and punishing anyone that opposes, appears to be operational in South Carolina. Local conservative activists who are not supportive of party directions coming from Washington, D.C., are being made to feel unwelcome and are leaving party organizations.

Experienced party activists who are interested in smaller, more effective and less intrusive government are being replaced by less experienced opportunists.

Finally, let’s be realistic, political parties and politicians are not going to be able to save our republic at this point in time. There is simply too much corruption in the system that is condoned by the electorate. Spiritual war is raging around us. Christians have access to the solution, but are distracted by elaborate buildings, membership lists, meaningless programs and competitive salaries. If we are to have help from the only source of lasting solutions, I repeat, we must return to II Chronicles 7-14:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.