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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:19 AM


First Published in 1994


Americans are scared. They are afraid of their government and they don’t know what to do. They have reason for fear, because the current regime in Washington, D.C., is abusing it’s power and using government agencies to openly reward its friends and punish its enemies.

A grass roots movement that spontaneously began in opposition to growth of government and taxes during the Bush Administration and had a role in electing a Republican majority in the US House of Representatives in 2010 was targeted by the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS, using intimidation during the 2012 Presidential Election, rendered many Tea Party organizations politically ineffective.

The US Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that they found no criminal activity in the IRS related to harassment of Tea Party organizations, without talking to any of the alleged victims. President Obama and agencies of his administration have routinely decided what laws they will enforce and which laws they will not enforce. A feeling of lawlessness is sweeping the country and that is dangerous indeed, because it will ultimately lead to individuals taking the law into their own hands.

Some of that fear is the result of ignorance and ignorance is often self-inflicted. Many younger Americans are too busy working, dealing with personal problems, or seeking entertainment to become informed on matters pertaining to government and public affairs. Some more mature adults rationalize that America has experienced hard times in the past and has always come through them fine and it will be that way again. Too many simply don’t want to know about problems for which they have no solutions. What they don’t know, they can pretend does not exist and is therefore not their problem to deal with. The result is that there is no consensus to force change and the intimidation and lawlessness in government continues.

The American electorate has elected people to represent them in public office who are unfit for positions of authority over others. The qualified people who have been elected are often weak, intimidated and afraid to do their duty, because they are fearful of retaliation by government agencies.

As a last resort, Americans traditionally turn to the church for help, however, there may be no real help available in churches because many of today’s pastors are afraid to speak out on any matter that is controversial. Many discourage discussion of problems they consider political among church members. Pastors are afraid of their government. It is tragic that some pastors and other church leaders fear the government more than they fear God. Churches with cowardly pastors and deacons can hardly expect to be blessed by God.

Throughout the history of our republic, when there have been external threats, American patriots have risen to the occasion and made whatever sacrifices were necessary to remove and eliminate the threat. From coast to coast and throughout Europe and the Pacific, long rows of white headstones are reminders that thousands of American patriots have given their lives in defense of freedom.

Where are our bold and brave leaders now? Americans have allowed themselves to be gradually conditioned to be tolerant of evil, although we know without a doubt that “evil prevails when good men do nothing.” We have tolerated the killing of millions of unborn babies. Government schools are teaching children to be tolerant of things that are traditionally evil and intolerant of things that are traditionally good. The current national government regime is passing laws and issuing regulations that punish good and reward evil. When are Americans going to live up to their heritage once again and stop tolerating evil?  Only then can we be a proper example for our children and grandchildren and cease to be scared Americans.